A lot of people have been asking me lately what my parameters are, what salt I use and what I dose. I thought I would let everyone know here to update my thread and share with all of you so that maybe u might want to do the same thing on your tank!
Ph-7.9-8.1 (more on this later in the week)
Mg-about 1350
Salt-reef crystals baby!
Dosing seachem two part and about 3 ml of Red Sea nopox but will most likely discontinue nopox after this last batch and see how things do-on my jebao doser
Here is a pic of all my supplements
I squirt in about five squirts of the azogs coral food once a day and feed my corals reef roids directly about twice a week sometimes less because that takes time
Lighting is reefbreeders 8 inches from water surface
100 percent blues for 8 hours
6 hours of white peaking at 35 percent for a half hour and ramping up and down around that max intensity
I don't really do water changes because it is annoying but if I see my sand looking not perfectly white I siphon that shiz outta there and change in about five gallons
I feed my fish every day with two turns of the apex autofeeder set six hours apart with the flash frozen mysis and I also put in about two cubes of brine or mysis into my innovative marine slow feeder acrylic thingy.
All in all when I'm not doing major tank maintenance I spend about five mins a day maintaining it and about three hours a day drooling over it lol
That's all she wrote folks
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How long have you been using acro power and how often do you dose ?