Thanks Neil! I went ahead and added the dry rock pieces I picked up from aquapros on Sunday. It got 3 water changes Sunday nigh with RODI, one yesterday morning with RODI, and one yesterday evening with fresh saltwater. Hopefully it is good to go. Just in case there is any algae that grows on it, I also added a couple hermits and astrea snails under the egg crate.
Also chopped up a colony of the zoas that looked like flaming rainbows, some nuclear green implosion palys (ALWAYS free to new reefers!), and started moving over a couple of the less expensive single polyp duplicate frags I made. If everything is open and happy tomorrow I'll start moving a couple a day over until there are no duplicates in the SpecV.
Fuge is getting pretty mature! Tons of pods, mysids, worms, etc. even a couple rogue zoas I drop in there occasionally when fragging have started to grow onto the rocks.
In the SpecV I added a bunch of new zoas/palys as well as my absolute favorite Duncan strain, the "Captive Grown" Giant Green Polyp Duncan from LA/DD. Also added a tiny Green Coris Wrasse (Halichoeres chloropterus) in the hopes that he'll wat some of the spaghetti worms in my tank. He did start eating them up and things are looking a lot less...stringy....already! The clowns weren't enjoying the new fish so they got banished to the frag tank (not much of a punishment!) with the much bolder Six Line. Lastly, tossed three peppermint shrimp into the fuge. three peppermint shrimp to my sump. Now that I'm sure the frag tank is in good shape I'll start pulling all the frags from around the tank and putting them into the frag tank :
Like I said before, clowns got moved to the frag tank. Little frag tank is starting to fill up so PM me if anyone is interested in a free frag of Nuclear Green Implosions so I can clear out room for frags from the display tank. It's pretty hard to get pics of this tank since there are 10 RB LEDs and only 2 neutral white.:
Thanks guys. Forgot to mention that I added this from the DD group buy too. They look cool but are pretty indicative of the problem with the coral "name game". Divers Den listed them as "Panamanian Blue Hornets" while many would refer to them as Blue Steel or even AIO:
Was down in Japan today doing some body work on my buddy's car and stopped by the Ark. Pretty nice store. Not a huge selection of coral but the fish selection is pretty decent and very healthy looking. Ended up bringing this guy home:
African blue steel have a yellow ring(not solid yellow) and yellow in the skirt, aoi yellow ring all blue skirt. I have never heard them called me panama blue hornets. I have had those for awhile and when I got them they were titled panama blues. I think that's just because they are blue and from panama. Either way nice rock. I really like mine because the blue is a nice sharp blue.
Yeah the rock actually has three distinctly different blue polyps on it. I have real AOI and blue steels but some if the polyps look very similar. It's definitely an interesting piece.
The fish is a Hector's Goby (Amblygobius hectori). I'm pretty excited about him. Already eating NLS small pellets.
Probably one of the last updates on this tank, but had to search for some rogue snails in the fuge last night so I ended up re-scaping it. I really like the way it looks, wish it was going to be up for longer!