Smitty's 37gal reef


they are saying 4-6inches.
Yeah, I've read that also Scotty... They haven't come out yet, but I'm watching.

Thank you fastrc... :)
Good evening everyone...I recently moved and will be breaking my tank down tomorrow...but the good news is my cousin gave me a (free) 34 gal (133 liters) cube tank. So I will be transferring everything over to the new tank.
I had to toss my torch coral last hasn't been really opening lately, and upon further inspection, looks like it was developing brown jelly disease. I took it out and it smelled terrible, so I tossed it. Oh well, guess I'll replace it with a sps coral.
i think out of all the place ive gone to aquatica has the brightest colored clowns. ive gotten all three of mine from there and all have awesome color
yes they are. they have a person that all she does is goes to feed them and thats it. its fun to watch her feed the fish and watch them feed the sharks