Steveo's 110 gallon build

Well forgot to pick up the wifi extender with cat5 port so I setup the apex manually for now with the display. So far got the blues on for 14 hours and the full spectrum for 10.

Is that too much lighting?

Also was wondering if using a 3 way would be ok on the power ports, if I can control both lights with one power port that would be ideal. Pictures below of said 3 way.

Going to grab an extender tomorrow, setup the network and then the temp and power heads.

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Ok so i am going to be taking down the 72 and putting all the fish and coral in a 20 gallon tank for holding purposes. I'm worried about the Jawfish. Will it be fine with PVC for its den? I know it would probably be fine in a QT setup where it is the only fish but what about with other fish? Also I will have two 3 stripe damsels to PIF or they are going to a LFS.
Current stock

1 o clown
1 premium black snowflake clown
2 b/g chromis
1 flame angel
3 bartlet anthia's
1 foxface

6 turbo snails
20 mix of snails
2 emerald crabs

yesterday I finally found the time to hang my lights from the canopy Matt at Shotank built me

Here is a before and after (before 2 GB LED's on the egg crate, After 3 GB LED's hung) MUCH BETTER LOOK

Moved out and waiting to move my tank over. Going to have Matt at sho tank build me a new stand that will be easier to work with. Hoping by mid aug having the stand and move done.

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