Stolen clams from Reefwise

Let's hope that these guys do get caught for what they did. I hope the clams survive and do well. They don't deserve this kind of treatment. I can't see how people can do something like this
And he's such a great guy!! He's less concerned with catching these crooks and more concerned that no local serious reefers buy any of these distressed clams.
if they have the plate # and can prove it case solved otherwise its just one more person pointing there finger at another and they might not even be right
Relax...she just posted a link to a craigslist page that sold clams...Noone made any accusations...
Thats the first thing I did too was to look on craigslist...was going to post possible links but there were too are we supposed to know whos craigslist post it is...seriously...

if they have the plate # and can prove it case solved otherwise its just one more person pointing there finger at another and they might not even be right

He has no cameras in his shop so there's no way to PROVE they stole it. There were only 2 people in there with him and when they left the backside of the trough and the floor was covered in water. Both of them arrived together and the one who had the clams in his pocket left out while Brian was researching with the other. Dude walked out and said he would be back in 5 minutes and the other guy left a minute or two later. They rode in the same cargo van.
he told me he does have the license plate number the van was actually parked down the street at a guys warehouse where thatguy does have cameras mounted and is pointed at theparking lot. Still have to spot those plates though
first of all i feel sorry for brian it is so hard to run a small business and keep your head above water so to speak and compete with online as well i hope these guy's get caught and get what they deserve. as far as posting what we see online it might be good just to send brian or mat at shotank a PM with a link so they can see whats out there because they know what they lost, and everyone should keep an ear and eye out for these A-HOLES so they can get caught. everyone can help all our LFS by watching out while we are visiting our frends at our favorite FS
maybe we should make a list of anyone we know with vans? not saying they did it just so we know who they are?

if they have the plate # and can prove it case solved otherwise its just one more person pointing there finger at another and they might not even be right

OHH GREAT IDEA!!!! Lets make of list of members that drive vans! How dumb is that!

Listen. I am sure Brian didn't put up this post for ideas or advice on how to catch the criminals, he put it up so that we would be aware of the stolen clams and their health! We are not helping anyone by pointing fingers or posting random CL, RC links!
OMG you guys are a bunch if BIG babies! All I did was post a link. I never accused anyone or suggested anything of the sort. I can't believe folks are taking sides on threads like this.
I heard the same type of story from James at New Fish a couple weeks ago. He said two guys came in and one distracted the only worker at the time while the other took clams..SPS...etc. Obviously no one can confirm it is the same two guys but sure sounds like the same method. Just my 2 cents.
1. That's how most shoplifters work; two man teams. Happens to more stores than you know.

2. Let's end this-- we need to remember that there are an awful lot of guests viewing these forums.