The only suggestion I could make is NO KIDS. PERIOD!!!!
It's not to cool when someones kids are running around and you get hit it the groin.
I was like what the hell is this romper room>? If you can't keep an eye on your own kids and they can't behave, Get a babysitter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jcarlilesiu Thats 1 fine looking monti you got there! Must have found a great person to get that from. Was very nice to meet you and enjoyed talking to you and the mrs.
Does anyone dip their corals from preventing any pests? If so what do you use or is it too much strees on them?
i dip with coral revive and coral rx. seems to keep me safe.
I was there from 9am to 8pm saturday and slept all day sunday. It was worth it, though!
I won 5 bottles of coral dip at the swap. I don't need 5 bottles. If anyone could use a bottle let me know.