Swaps over... Show off your goodies

that dumb kid hit me right in the junk today with his head, or hands or something, and kept running i had no idea what hit me til i was almost on the ground. I think he was 'special' cause he didn't look 100%
The only suggestion I could make is NO KIDS. PERIOD!!!!
It's not to cool when someones kids are running around and you get hit it the groin.

I was like what the hell is this romper room>? If you can't keep an eye on your own kids and they can't behave, Get a babysitter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Duct Tape!!! That's what I forgot to bring! There were some really well behaved kids that kept checking out the ponies, a few not so well behaved.
I got a few great things @ the swap, The best was new friends. I ended up buying 3 large zoa rocks and a big clam. The akindynos clownfish i bought were DOA when i got home, My b&w in same cooler were fine and happy thinking they were stressed when i got them from him. Am pissed and sad that that didn't make it i was hoping for some children from them! The little kid were all talking about slammed into me and 4 other guys there and you could tell he was doing it on purpose (to bad i left my stun gun in car!! lol)

Ok, so I was not expecting such an event for my first CMAS swap, and I probably should have left my wallet at home... I spent too much money, bought some really nice corals and ordered new led lighting from Bill... Having just started my tank the first of the year, it was awesome to see so much variety of coral that you rarely see in the LFS...Had a Blast, met some nice people and want to congratulate and thank the people that put on the event.. WOW !
I posted all the pics of the new frags in my tank thread...I didn't feel like posting them in both threads.
Overall I had a good time I picked up some neon green hammer, some zoo's and a couple candy cane frags.
I'm trying to see where each piece like to be in the tank.
Does anyone dip their corals from preventing any pests? If so what do you use or is it too much strees on them?
I dipped all my new frags with coral rx...if you can't dip with a solution, then some people do fresh water dips...I was too afraid to do this method tho.
i picked up a beautiful brain, a large favia (shout out to midwest coral), misc. acans, zoos, oh and a tri-color acro. wife took pics of them all late last night so i can put some up later after work. best part is the colors have not shifted at all so far. (knock, knock on wood!)

Does anyone dip their corals from preventing any pests? If so what do you use or is it too much strees on them?

i dip with coral revive and coral rx. seems to keep me safe.

<space reserved for pics>
I spent so much money there that I can't even afford to take pictures of what I got. Plus, I was there from 9am to 8pm saturday and slept all day sunday. It was worth it, though!

Maybe I'll get some pictures tonight...