Switching from Apex to GHL Profilux 4


Well I haven't been happy with Neptune Systems and am debating making the switch to GHL Profilux 4.

I've been talking with GHL and a few people who have made the switch. I'm leaning towards switching.

Im not sure when the items will arrive as we are still discussing what I will need for the smooth transition.

I will be documenting the switch here for anyone interested.

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When I first purchased the Apex their customer service was top notch. Now I feel it has been lacking. I have 2 pieces of equipment that have failed, both of these issues were known issues. While these issues weren't on the Apex itself it was on the expansion modules.

1st I had an optical sensor fail that cause my ATO pump to burn out. The optical sensors are known to allow water in an rust out and fail. The pmup pump also didn't have a fail safe to turn it off if it ran dry. So with the Optical sensor failing it caused my Top off container to run low and burn out the pump. They wouldn't replace the pump understandable because that was more of my fault for not checking no biggie. To replace the optical sensor they wanted me to provide a receipt. Well that was from 8 months ago and I didn't have it and the LFS I purchased from wasn't able to provide one either. Again a known issue they shouldn't make a customer jump through hoops to replace it. They now have redesigned the optical sensor and pmup pump. They did end up replacing the optical sensor after I recommended that someone go with the Tunze ATO over the Apex ATK because of my issue.

2nd is with the COR20. I walked into my fish room to feed my fish at 8:30pm ish and noticed my return pump wasn't working. So I submit a ticket and they have me try a few things and say it's the power supply and they've seen this issue before. Again they want me to provide a receipt. Well I didn't have one on had again it's been about 10 months or so. It was 9:30pm by the time everything was done. I mentioned I didn't have one and my LFS isn't able to provide a receipt either (send them a message and they said they couldn't since everything is paper on a pad (different LFS from the one I purchased the ATK module from). They offered 50% off a new power supply. Well it was too late to try and get a new return pump. So I looked up the specs and had a power supply laying around that was close (little higher in amperage). I ended up splicing it to work with my COR20 and it has been working since (about a month).

Well this was enough for me to switch. While the Apex itself has been issue free for the most part (had a bad EB832 a few months after purchase) This they took care of right away thankfully I had 2 at the time. The lack of taking care of a customer for know issues on modules had me start to look for alternatives. I have too much invested into my tank to worry about things going wrong. Not to mention I want a company that will back up their equipment, we all know Apex items aren't cheap.

This is what led me to purchase an Alkatronic over the Trident.
So you are switching because you had 2 issues where they dared to ask for a receipt to make sure you were the original owner and were within warranty? Like just about every other company does? I had a problem with my Nyos skimmer, the first thing Ecotech did was ask for a receipt to cover it under warranty. I've seen you post this on the Neptune FB group and BRS too. I don't know, I just put the receipt in the box, if there is an issue I know where it is. Guess that is just me.
So you are switching because you had 2 issues where they dared to ask for a receipt to make sure you were the original owner and were within warranty? Like just about every other company does? I had a problem with my Nyos skimmer, the first thing Ecotech did was ask for a receipt to cover it under warranty. I've seen you post this on the Neptune FB group and BRS too. I don't know, I just put the receipt in the box, if there is an issue I know where it is. Guess that is just me.
Actually most companies will take care of their customers for known issues. I've been doing this hobby for a while and had some products fail some with in warranty and some out of and have had great dealings with them in both scenarios.

Apex used to be one of those companies. Now that they have grown that has changed. That's why they discontinued the ATK and now have the V2.

There are also rumors at they are looking to replace the power supply on the COR20.

I didn't want to get into it because I'm not here to bad mouth any company. This was to show the process of switching it all over.

I have too much invested into my tank to worry about hardware failures on premium products. To not be taken care of when they fail with in a warranty period.

On a side note I'm going to start using your method. I hate keeping boxes because they stick pile real quick.

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Should be interesting to see the switch. I haven't really been following on other controllers that are out there. I did hear on RNN when they interviewed the guy from Reef Bot that their long term goal (possibly in the next year or 2 even) is to have their own cloud based controller. Long term with these companies, I think they need to find a way to make their gear compatible and able to communicate with each other - to some degree. My Alkatronic is connected to my Apex so I can read my levels which was a pretty big selling feature for me. It would be cool if I could easily have the results from my reefbot test show up on my Apex.

I've found I cannot rely on one specific brand too much. Biggest issues Ive had with my tank is my apex ATK failing when Im out of town - sometimes the power just gets stuck to off and it doesn't run, and it only seems to do this while I'm out of town almost like it knows and wants to spite me. I was also an early adopter of the reef bot, and initially I had a problem with it. The company had great customer service to troubleshoot, and because it couldn't be resolved eventually sent me a new one. They seem to have gotten most everything right from the get go.

The other issue Im having with all these networked products is that when my wifi goes down, they dont always seem to want to reconnect when it comes back up. I've been considering hard wiring everything for the sake of reliability. I already have a seperate network for my reef tank which has helped isolate any issues and quickly get things back up and running when there are problems.
Should be interesting to see the switch. I haven't really been following on other controllers that are out there. I did hear on RNN when they interviewed the guy from Reef Bot that their long term goal (possibly in the next year or 2 even) is to have their own cloud based controller. Long term with these companies, I think they need to find a way to make their gear compatible and able to communicate with each other - to some degree. My Alkatronic is connected to my Apex so I can read my levels which was a pretty big selling feature for me. It would be cool if I could easily have the results from my reefbot test show up on my Apex.

I've found I cannot rely on one specific brand too much. Biggest issues Ive had with my tank is my apex ATK failing when Im out of town - sometimes the power just gets stuck to off and it doesn't run, and it only seems to do this while I'm out of town almost like it knows and wants to spite me. I was also an early adopter of the reef bot, and initially I had a problem with it. The company had great customer service to troubleshoot, and because it couldn't be resolved eventually sent me a new one. They seem to have gotten most everything right from the get go.

The other issue Im having with all these networked products is that when my wifi goes down, they dont always seem to want to reconnect when it comes back up. I've been considering hard wiring everything for the sake of reliability. I already have a seperate network for my reef tank which has helped isolate any issues and quickly get things back up and running when there are problems.
I haven't had an issue with anything connecting back to wifi even though it's on the other side of the house.

I love my Alkatronic and both GHL and Focustronic said I just need to use a BNC to connect it to the GHL.

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Waiting for the GHL to arrive. Order a few other items first. Like the Dosetronic to go with the Alkatronic

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GHL should be in next week Wednesday.

In the mean time got rid of the Meptune DOS and replaced it with a Dosetronic to go with the Alkatronic and maintain my Triton Method

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Haven't started programming yet, still setting up and planning since I want to clean up my wires.

Here is a difference between Android apps.

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