Should be interesting to see the switch. I haven't really been following on other controllers that are out there. I did hear on RNN when they interviewed the guy from Reef Bot that their long term goal (possibly in the next year or 2 even) is to have their own cloud based controller. Long term with these companies, I think they need to find a way to make their gear compatible and able to communicate with each other - to some degree. My Alkatronic is connected to my Apex so I can read my levels which was a pretty big selling feature for me. It would be cool if I could easily have the results from my reefbot test show up on my Apex.
I've found I cannot rely on one specific brand too much. Biggest issues Ive had with my tank is my apex ATK failing when Im out of town - sometimes the power just gets stuck to off and it doesn't run, and it only seems to do this while I'm out of town almost like it knows and wants to spite me. I was also an early adopter of the reef bot, and initially I had a problem with it. The company had great customer service to troubleshoot, and because it couldn't be resolved eventually sent me a new one. They seem to have gotten most everything right from the get go.
The other issue Im having with all these networked products is that when my wifi goes down, they dont always seem to want to reconnect when it comes back up. I've been considering hard wiring everything for the sake of reliability. I already have a seperate network for my reef tank which has helped isolate any issues and quickly get things back up and running when there are problems.