Well-known member
**PIC HEAVY **well here is the last nites photo sessions
to start off .. the FTS

now some old pieces
space invader Pectinia

RR Nauti spiral Monti

a no namer from Aquapros that went thru soo many color shifts and finally this
[MENTION=2612]anarchy[/MENTION] ..your once fav piece

WCR French B .. continues to impress

CB Yellow Brick Road .. at one point it has dark red polyps ..dont know what happened but my guess too low nutrients ?

AOA Banshee acro, Such a slow grower

Strawberry shortcake

SOTR Clusters

Garf Bonsai

Plague of Vivid Rainbows

ORA Pearlberry

RMF Diablo

WCR Rainbow

JF Fox Flame

NOW on to the new stuff
another JF Fox Flame

JF Burning Banana Stylo - yet to recover from shipping

ORA Red Planet .. i want this thing all green loving the green

RMF Psychoberry - got this thing as pale as snow .. with in a week started coloring up .. not even close to its true colors
( sorry about the dumb fish swimming into the pic )

Reef Raft Orange Passion - no where close to its true color - well will be there soon ..

Walt Disney - i can see orange under blue but this 20k pic doesnt show orange yet

RR Pretty in pink -- completely brown when i got it .. now already showing signs of color yayy

and Finally - Matt V Rainbow Envy - hottest acro out there .. but have soo much to color up to

to start off .. the FTS

now some old pieces
space invader Pectinia

RR Nauti spiral Monti

a no namer from Aquapros that went thru soo many color shifts and finally this
[MENTION=2612]anarchy[/MENTION] ..your once fav piece

WCR French B .. continues to impress

CB Yellow Brick Road .. at one point it has dark red polyps ..dont know what happened but my guess too low nutrients ?

AOA Banshee acro, Such a slow grower

Strawberry shortcake

SOTR Clusters

Garf Bonsai

Plague of Vivid Rainbows

ORA Pearlberry

RMF Diablo

WCR Rainbow

JF Fox Flame

NOW on to the new stuff
another JF Fox Flame

JF Burning Banana Stylo - yet to recover from shipping

ORA Red Planet .. i want this thing all green loving the green

RMF Psychoberry - got this thing as pale as snow .. with in a week started coloring up .. not even close to its true colors

Reef Raft Orange Passion - no where close to its true color - well will be there soon ..

Walt Disney - i can see orange under blue but this 20k pic doesnt show orange yet

RR Pretty in pink -- completely brown when i got it .. now already showing signs of color yayy

and Finally - Matt V Rainbow Envy - hottest acro out there .. but have soo much to color up to