frag me some of that zoa!!!
all those for sale? hahah
Dayyyyum tin!! What's that last chalice? And what's the third one? Any frags growing out man? Looking good! Still have chalices in their own tank? If so what's the chem at?
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beautiful pics thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing beautiful corals you got ,
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Very nice Mr Tin.
what is up Tin...
LPS tank is doing great except i lost 2 rainbow chalcie colonies out of blue and i cant tell why ( couple grand worth down the drain)
lil update ..
well both tanks doing well except the main sps tank has only one fish and im struggling to keep the nutrient load up so sps wont strive ..
LPS tank is doing great except i lost 2 rainbow chalcie colonies out of blue and i cant tell why ( couple grand worth down the drain)
well enough of boring stuff .. couple of pics
Sorry to hear that.One of my big fears.
Wow great looking tank! Sorry for your loss with the chalice , same thought keeps me on edge when my apex disconnects from fusion!
What's the SPS in the last pic called?
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