Tinned Reef

Finally the long wait has paid off ..

My tank is finally cycled.

Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 10-20
Phosphates - 0.25 to 0.5

Now, im gonna do a 40% water change and then add a fish after a day (wednesday it is then )

any suggestions or words of caution ??

im going to be adding a cherub angel some one is holding for me as my first fish.
Some more pics .. as promised

first reef inhabitant in the new tank .. a Tri Color Ricordea ..

first fish in the tank .. this little guy is all over the place and is soo hard to catch, i have to do manual focus to catch these pics

Should have done this all the time ...........

Decided to note my params here from now on, on a regular basis ..

its been more than a week since i added live stock to my tank and my old habbits of heavy feeding. but well params are fine

Nitrite -0
Ammonia -0
Nitrates - 0-5 (not 0 but not 5)
Phosphates - 0-0.25 (not 0 but not 0.25)

my skimmer is pulling really dark skimmate and is foaming very nicely haha