Tinned Reef

wanted to add this nice statement to my reef keeping

"Careful neglect" is something more of us should do. Chasing numbers and tweaking chemistry is harder on corals than most of what we put them through. I've lost more colonies from running various forms of phosphate removers than I have from not testing at all. Meaning, I've never lost corals from high PO4 levels.
Some more late nite pics ..

Now palmers Blue milli Under whites only and then Whites and blues and then blues only .. one of my fav Pieces ..

I recently started doing this with dosing. Every 2-3 days I'll check cal, alk and phos. I keep a small notebook that I write down the day, amount dosed and current levels.

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Oops on tapatalk I saw your last post about keeping track of your Params lol

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Test time

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Phosphate 0.25

Thank you chad for re-testing my water with more advanced test kits

I'm amused to know

Nitrates are still 0
And phisohates 0.07

Yayyyy and the last water chcange I did was on last Saturday and I feed almost every day ( yea I mean I feed corals haha )
Hmmm i added a pair of Beautiful onyx perculas yesterday and now my Blue tang is trying to host the frogspawn along with them .. uhhhh it really is a dumb fish.
yes, they are arent they! mine kept getting stung by my condy and getting stressed out! would not stop going by the cleaner shrimp to get cleaned which happened to host the damn condy! ended up removing the damn nem!
Picture time ...

orange yellow green yayy

hmmm .. they are much more bright that they look in the pic, Thanks Chad for taking care of them while im on vacation
Well the white you see on the pink boobs chalice is the result of my new clowns trying to play with sand bed

well here are the new ones

this lil blu is still camera shy so has to click from a distance and from the side .. Kachaak

Hmmm well how can we forget these

My New fav,

ok we've got work to do, we are leaving
Amazing! You have came very far... Tank looks great!!! I can actually say I busted your cherry with your very 1st chalice..lol!! I remember you didn't want to take it