Up and running finally!


New member
Got everything up and running today. Started fishless cycle too. Everything went pretty good too! The only thing is the sand in the fuge blocks the hole where water went through the sponge but it doesn't seem to be affecting anything yet. All the water just goes over the wall now. Couple pics Couple things I forgot to add. Salinity is at 1.025 (this will be a reef tank so 1.025 is good right?)

This setup is fairly quiet but definitely louder than a freshwater setup with hob filter etc. Just sound kind of "bubbly". I'm not getting any slurping sounds from the eshopps pf800 overflow but you can hear it draining I guess. definitely not for a bedroom. My light fan for the 10,000k is kind of noisy too but live and learn I guess.

One question though. My overflow will stay primed for awhile but after mayb e an hour of so of the pump being off it loses its prime I think. Each end of tube has water in it but majority is filled with air. Why is this anybody know? I thought they were supposed to stay primed in the event of a power outage. If the power were off for any length of time and I wasn't around it would not be good. Any ideas what's causing this?
Your salinity is good. I like 1.025-.026 for my reef tank. As far as the bubbling sounds...welcome to reefing :) You're lucky you don't have a slurping sound from your overflow. I have an internal overflow and it makes some slurping sounds (probably because I have a rather robust return pump that is pulling the water into my overflow like niagra falls.) Also, the only really quiet/silent lights are LEDs. Most everything else is going to have fans. Over time, you'll get used to the noises.

I wish I could advise you about the loss of syphon on your hob. I've never used one but I'm sure someone one here can advise.
http://www.fosterandsmithaquatics.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=22680 I have been using one of these for the past 2 1/2 years with no problems although members here are saying the aqua lifter pump is not that good "I personally haven't had a problem with mine..... yet" but you can always get a different kind of pump. About the power outage once the power goes back on so does the lifter pump so the overflow gets primed and starts flowing again no worry. But about your current overflow I have never used that kind so I can't help you there sorry.
Your tank is looking good so far...technically, the overflow is supposed to stay primed, especially if both ends remain underwater. You may have to try to eliminate more of that trapped oxygen in the u-tube.
Your salinity is good. I like 1.025-.026 for my reef tank. As far as the bubbling sounds...welcome to reefing :) You're lucky you don't have a slurping sound from your overflow. I have an internal overflow and it makes some slurping sounds (probably because I have a rather robust return pump that is pulling the water into my overflow like niagra falls.) Also, the only really quiet/silent lights are LEDs. Most everything else is going to have fans. Over time, you'll get used to the noises.

I wish I could advise you about the loss of syphon on your hob. I've never used one but I'm sure someone one here can advise.

Believe me I'm very happy not to have the slurping. At one point during setup the down tube inside the external part of the overflow got loose and it was slurping like crazy. Took me an hour to figure out it was just the tube loose. I'll probably still try looking at making a durso or something though. Thanks
http://www.fosterandsmithaquatics.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=22680 I have been using one of these for the past 2 1/2 years with no problems although members here are saying the aqua lifter pump is not that good "I personally haven't had a problem with mine..... yet" but you can always get a different kind of pump. About the power outage once the power goes back on so does the lifter pump so the overflow gets primed and starts flowing again no worry. But about your current overflow I have never used that kind so I can't help you there sorry.

Wow that's a very tempting product. That would work nicely for me. I'm kind of tapped for aquarium stuff at this point though(I already have a brand new overflow and skimmer I'm not going to use). If i can sell my extra stuff I will definitely pick one of those if I can't find another solution. Is your's pretty quiet or do you get the "gurgling" sound too?
Your tank is looking good so far...technically, the overflow is supposed to stay primed, especially if both ends remain underwater. You may have to try to eliminate more of that trapped oxygen in the u-tube.

When I initially turn the return pump off the tube is still completely filled with no air at all. The only thing I noticed is the overflow trickles a very tiny bit for quite awhile. I'm thinking that might have something to do with it but no solution yet. I'm going to keep looking into it. Thanks
Ya its pretty quiet "no gurgling" and it was much cheaper when I bought mine 3 years ago. I got the 1200gph and it was only $120 with the lifter pump but that was 3 years ago on e-bay.
Nice setup, good luck,Im setting up a new 150 fowlr tank at the moment. Have a 125 reef already and a bunch of 30 breeders.
Hey your hang on back overflow. Does it have a sponge to catch big stuff from entering the sump. If so. Take a solo cup cut a circle hole in bottom and insert a piece of tube from syphon hose. Slowly push the cup over the sponge until gurgle stops. Did those when I had the issue. Cheap and workes
Hey your hang on back overflow. Does it have a sponge to catch big stuff from entering the sump. If so. Take a solo cup cut a circle hole in bottom and insert a piece of tube from syphon hose. Slowly push the cup over the sponge until gurgle stops. Did those when I had the issue. Cheap and workes

Yes I do have the sponge over the tube. I will definitely try that. Thanks! Will let you know how it works
Unbelievable!! First day back to work since setting up and the power went out!!!! Nice flooded room I have now. I should quit while I'm behind

Edit: I've calmed down and clean up wasn't as bad as I thought. Sorry for the rant.
Unbelievable!! First day back to work since setting up and the power went out!!!! Nice flooded room I have now. I should quit while I'm behind

A power outage shouldn't cause an overflow.

Either your sump is undersized, your flow is too high, or your overflow boxes are breaking siphon.

Where did it overflow from, the sump or the tank?
A power outage shouldn't cause an overflow.

Either your sump is undersized, your flow is too high, or your overflow boxes are breaking siphon.

Where did it overflow from, the sump or the tank?

It broke siphon in the overflow box u tube. Both ends were still about 3/4" under water. I knew it was doing this because I did a couple power outage tests. If the power was out more than an hour(?) when it started back up the pump would come on and the overflow wouldn't start draining again. I don't get it. Both ends were under water but the tube was full of air. How can this happen?

Even though I knew it was doing this I just let it go and figured I deal with it Sunday when I'm off again since our power hasn't been out for probably a year and a half. What are the odds?

Looks like it pumped out about 7-8 gallons. The tank was still full and the sump was 1/2 empty if that before the pump started sucking air. 7-8 gallons is what I put back in the sump mixed with salt of course. Thankfully I have an old carpet shampooer that sucked up as much water as possible. Spilled into basement on concrete floor. Thankfully didn't hit anything and I guess my tank is slightly off level because all the water was spilled in the front and just a tad on the side was wet. If it spilled over the back my electric stuff would have got hit probably. Guess I should rethink the positioning of my power strips too.
Sounds like you need to make the area where your return pump is smaller so it wont pump as much water up when you lose siphon.I only have about 2 gallons where my pump is so if the power went out and siphon didn't start back up when the power came back on there is not enough water in there to overflow anything although if I'm not home when it happens the pump will burn out, but I guess that's better than many gallons of water on the floor.
I am not that familiar with overflow boxes since I have a drilled tank.

Seems to me that there has to be a pretty easy fix.

Sorry that this happened. Murphy's law. Stick with it, small set backs and annoyances are certainly overcome by triumphs and successes in this hobby.
I think I found out what the problem was. I was using a u tube from a different overflow I had because it "held" onto the box better. I switched it back to the one that came with the overflow got everything up and running again then unplugged the pump all night. This morning it still had siphon. Plugged in the pump and everything started perfectly. Even though both u tubes were the same diameter and same "basic" shape they aren't identical. My lesson learned...use equipment the way it was designed to be used. When I used the right u tube it held siphon well over 12 hours no problem.