wp40 second thoughts


Premium member
only had on for few days its still working but as I watch my tank I c huge waves right but no polyp movement really had more with my ebay crap. so thought well with waves like that is gotta be moving now after three days I believe. I blew off my rocks and I had more detritus settle on my rocks in few days with this pump then I have in few weeks with other. is it only me ?r the waves just for show wtf am I doing wrong . anybody else notice this or is it just me . don't be surprised to c forsale thread in few days . imo think 2 of the smaller ones will do much better and give more control. who knows maybe they will suck too
Joe, its just you... Since I seen your tank just recently :D The pump is placed wrong IMO

Should be placed on side glass about half way.. But the other pump might be better for you since they are small
i dont have wp40 but when i watched videos with those pumps its not even close to what the real ocean doing, those pumps just make short waves back and forth vs really strong surge wave every few seconds , random surges. so how those wps can replicate random ocean waves
I'd sell it at a really low price to show your unhappiness. I would have to buy it right away so you wouldn't have to be angry very long :)
yeah, the only thing it's not doing is creating a "random" wave. just constant rocking back and forth is not what corals prefer.
Wow and people say im the azzhole on the site and im negative hmmm my thread but im staying out of it . Good day to u folks dam monkeys. Just goes to show this site is only good for selling and thats debatable . Try post something and this chit happens