I could easy make that apex cost more than my budget but for now I'll just do the lab probe one and build onto itSounds like a fun shopping spree! That apex is gonna be half of your budget though... haha
No that's not what I meant. I meant I'll buy the one with the lab probe for now and later I'll buy the rest of the modules and what not that I wantIf you only want pH probe just find the display, brain, and EB8 on ebay and get new temp, and pH probes
Thanks for the link! I may go pick one up right nowItcalso looks like u have a lot of detritus in the fuge area. I don't use filter socks but this is what I use to clean up my sump every 1-2 months, depending how dirty it gets. It's perfect cuz we always have 5 gallon buckets for it.
Lol because I forgot to scratch that off my written list. I'm at work so I got side tracked while typing that list outWhy get both a cal reactor and dosing pump?