Biocube Zoa Machine

I'm done selling zoas till i can put together a better selection. Unfortunately its not worth it to well $10 at a time. Plus, now that i have a bigger tank i will be collecting more. I love my rack on the side of the tank. It allows for lots of paly frags and keeps the hermits/emerald away. My emerald ate all the bubble algae and is starting on the blue octodes. Its gonna take him a while, but i have several large chunks. I added three tiger hermits and three red legs as well as some snails. The inevitable diatom bloom as started in some areas on sand, but not terrible. My sps were looking pretty bad, but with some time i have confidence they'll be colorful again. Im in need of 20-30 more watts of LED action to be completely satisfied. Its funny tho, my palys look better than ever.
A side note on the Splendid. The Snowflake and the YWG are keeping him on his toes. This is great considering he could be harassing them. I know he can handle it; I just hope he doesn't start nipping back as time goes on. My yellow watchman actually sits out now that i have a bit more sandbed for him to lay out on.
Good looking tank man. Love the LED's. The more u see them, the more I want to switch to them.

Sent from my phone via my job's wifi, most likely.
A quick update for you guys. I upgraded my lighting by adding some more LEDs. It's currently 20 LEDs at 700 ma including red, green , turquoise, 10rb and 7cw. I'm adding six more next week 6rb and 3 cw. I love being able to see just rb. I just wish I could take pictures with just blues. All my sps have colored up and dipped all frags and everything is healthy. The splendid dottyback is really fun to watch. My snowflake is a ***** still. Everyone is eating spectrum pellets, but I feed azox and they eat the larger pieces as well.
Did you use the bigger heatsink?

I didn't get a bigger heatsink. I the heatsink stock can handle 18leds. I removed the black cover on top and its still cool.

I added a few pieces of coral today. A purple with blue polyped pagoda cup, nice Aussie yuma, a pink with Orange eye chalice and some blue sympodium.

I hate my clown still. I can't get use to her abuse. The gf is no prob, but a fish gets me. I put her in a wine glass today for timeout.
I bought this new Yuma over at Aquatica the other day. Every once in a while I cross paths with a beautiful yuma and I buy em. I cant control myself.

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The tank has been doing very well. I have started using GFO in one of my media chambers and a big bag of Chemipure. No skimmer yet.... soon maybe.

My zoas and palys are growing like weeds now. I've been dosing lots of Fuel and feeding Azox. I have babies on all my frags. My LPS are growing as well. More heads and thicker longer tentacles. The few sps I do have have colored up allot. Maybe even better then when I bought them. Ive been watching my ALK and reduced my light cycle allot. It was closer to 11 hours, but now that ive added more LEDs ive brought it down to 8 hours. two hour blue, 4 hours of both, and 2 hour blue off.

The emerald has kept his claws off my polyps and completely devoured the blue octodes. I hung some macro up high so he cant get at it. It is really growing quickly. I cant give it away fast enough.

Thanks for reading my long *** update.
I didn't get a bigger heatsink. I the heatsink stock can handle 18leds. I removed the black cover on top and its still cool.

I added a few pieces of coral today. A purple with blue polyped pagoda cup, nice Aussie yuma, a pink with Orange eye chalice and some blue sympodium.

I hate my clown still. I can't get use to her abuse. The gf is no prob, but a fish gets me. I put her in a wine glass today for timeout.

Im having the same problem with my clowns well one, she abuses the the other fish and bites me every time i come close to the ananome to move some frags around lol.