Thats sweet sucks mine diedhad to share this beautiful shot of the WD i got tonight...i've been having a lot of doubts lately on the ability of this particular acro to ever reach the insane colors Mike Biggar has in his original colony and i still think his photos are Photoshopped beyond belief...but that doesn't take away from how beautiful this acro is may never reach those levels of colors but i knew this before dropping the cash on it...i do enjoy a good challenge though in seeing what i can do with it
View attachment 15478
Thats sweet sucks mine died
what how?? i've found this tenuis to be real hardy...mine broke in half an hour after i got him after shipment and then it went through my K overdose that killed nearly three quarters of my other sps, without once showing any signs of stress
i hope at least you got that money back, these guys aren't cheap
Was small piece that i got from a buddy just didnt like the glueing to plug i guess no money loss orange passion made it thoughand flame fox
2 other sweet pieces...which OP? RRA or SC? and how's it doing?
Weren't you looking for one of these?
I also have a promo code for 15% off if you order and want it. PM me.
Bryan, What do you mainly feed your dendros?
Wheres the wrasseRecent new additions:
Lineatus wrasse
ASD Rainbow Mille
Rommel's Watermelon
WCR Rainbow
RR Poison Ivy
Also switched from Jebao DCT-6000 pump to a much larger DCT-15000.
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Wheres the wrasse
Very niceHe was in the back digging himself a cave.
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Very nice
Looks like young male supermales r usually older i may turn on its own my rhomboid is same way has the potential specially when he flashesI don't think he's super saiyan mode. Maybe just dominant. I might look for a female to try to get him to super male colors.
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Looks like young male supermales r usually older i may turn on its own
Oh really? Do you only need a female or subdominant male to turn one into a dominant and from there they can turn supermale on their own? I'd much rather not have to get another fish. Tank is full.
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