CR's Holiday Party at MCF !!! Dec 10

Nice meeting everyone. Glad I won such an amazing bottle of........SALT CREEP ELIMINATOR! hahah

Everyone else post up what you won/purchased!
I won Brightwell Aquatics items.
Bought 2x female bartlett anthias for my pair,title starfish and 2 mini sps colony!
thanks MCF&CR:)
It was a lot of fun, great meeting you Ted and mr. reefninja. My prize rivaled what ted got, two awesome cleaning sponges!
i did get to go home with a beautiful blue sided wrasse and i know Ted is happy with his fish ;)
Eric where are the pics?
First time going to a CR event :) was fricking awesome! Had a lot of fun, met and caught up with awesome friends.. Thanks MCF for hosting this event and cnt wait till nxt year :) Oh yeah i won a $50 dollar gift card from happy coral :) Also bought for my tank a YWG, sandsifting starfish, peppermint shrimp, porcelain crab, duncan frag, acan frag, ricordea mushroom, mushroom frag.

I won Ova! and bought 6 frags (for the price of 4) a Yasha Goby and a peppermint shrimp. It amazing how much an empty tank can swallow so much. I'm looking forward to using the 20% coupon on 1/1!
Thank you CR and MCF. Had a great time and nice meeting everyone. I won a pack of OVA and picked a mandarin and emerald crab.

Thank you again.
We had a great time as well and want to thank everyone for coming out! It was great to see some familiar faces as well as some new ones. Tonight was a great success and we look forward to doing more events in the future!

I left the store around 9:15 and Eric was leaving as well so I'm not even sure he's home yet lol...but I know he got some awesome pics and can't wait to share them!
I left the store around 9:15 and Eric was leaving as well so I'm not even sure he's home yet lol...but I know he got some awesome pics and can't wait to share them!

I was mainly talking about the picture i made him take of Ted and his awesome prize:eyebrows:
Great time tonight! Thanks to MCF and CR and anyone else who donated prizes or helped setup/run the event. I won $25 for the Ugly Sweater Competition! I'm sure a picture of Brad (rattyE36) and I will surface once Eric gets home! I also picked up the two small little black clowns from Blake that were in the front small tanks.

So... HOW ABOUT A NEW YEARS PARTY!?!?! haha jk
Thanks to everyone that worked so hard on putting this event together. Kate and I had a great time and were very impressed with MCF! We picked up a couple new millies and a RBTA. Thanks MCF and!
Here are some pics I took toward the end of the party, only pics of tanks though, no people pictures sadly. haha






anddd a picture of my clowns in their new home!
