Well, I'm always harpin' on everyone else to post pics and then got to thinking... with the exception of my FOWLR, I haven't posted any pics of my 90 mixed reef in a while.
Since the earlier photos in this thread, I've been slowly transitioning away from an LPS/Softie tank to a SPS dominated tank. Althought I still have a little of everything, I now have more SPS than anything else. With the except of 2 acro mini-colonies, all my SPS started as a frags (most of which still are.)
This is the first time I've let coraline grow on the back glass. I'm thinking that I prefer the crisp black background so I'll probably scrape it off soon.
The next 3 shots show what the tank looked like this past summer before I decided to focus on SPS. I had all my LPS up on the rock. It's now on the sandbed as you'll see in today's pics...
This next group of shots were taken today. Granted, the tank doesn't look as visually appealing anymore (at least to me) but as the acro's grow they should fill out the tank nicely....
Here's a couple of my favorite acans...
Here's a few of my favorite LPS...
Okay, after posting these pics I scraped off the coraline...I think it looks cleaner.
Thanks for looking, I'll try not to wait 7 months next time