Eric's Reef

If you're referring to the 16th pic above, then that is a Hammer. I picked up a few heads from Fishbeard a while back and it's really blown up. It looks awesome under actinics :)

Yup! That's it! Very nice! I wanted a frag of that but didn't have the time to run out!
So a couple weeks ago I upgraded my reflectors to LumenMax Elite's and I'm running radium 20k bulbs now. I have them mounted inside my canopy 9" from the water surface.There is a very visible difference using these reflectors. Not only is it much brighter but there is also more pop from the 20k bulb. There is OVER 1000 MORE PAR at the surface and my sandbed went from 160 to 400!!!! Thanks to Crooks, I was able to take these new par readings this morning. A couple days ago I noticed a few of the corals starting to bleach. Stupid me, I didn't think there would be such a massive increase by simply upgrading my reflectors so I didn't acclimate the corals to the new lights. I was running Phoneix 14K's which are supposed to have a higher par rating than the Radium 20k's but I was running them in a sub-par reflector. I figured I'd gain some par from the new reflectors and lose some with the Radiums. I underestimated the impact of these reflectors and never expected such an increase.

I've dropped my light cycle to 4 hours and will get some window screen to dissipate the intensity. Hopefully I haven't done any permanent damage. Unfortunately, I fried a few of these...

Wow! Looks good Eric and sorry to hear about those corals bleaching. I hope to get good par numbers from mine soon:)
Wow! Looks good Eric and sorry to hear about those corals bleaching. I hope to get good par numbers from mine soon:)

So far nothing has died :)

I have a feeling that i will eventually need to transplant that big birdsnest colony sitting up at 1190. It was hit the hardest.
Uh, can we get a FTS here bro? The pics in the background of your inventory reduction thread lead me to believe we are due a new one.
Maybe in a couple weeks. I still need to thin out some overgrown pieces and I'm searching for the perfect piece of rock to re-do the right side of the tank. Once I find that rock I'll rearrange some sps and hopefully (fingers crossed) be able to finally sit back and watch the "water boil"...
On the "bright" side, I didn't fry anything to death and most everything has rebounded now that I swapped out the LumenMax's. PAR is back into the 200-400 range.
Added a new Sargassum & Sunburst BTA. My Niger gets along quite well with the Sargassum ;)


The Sunburst is still a little shy and needs to acclimate itself to my more intense light. Hopefully in a couple more days he'll be perched on top of that rock.


Here's the best shot I could get of the Niger, he always swims fast when I walk up because he thinks he's going to get some food. His streamers are coming in and he has a nice blue color to him...

Figured I was also due for for tank shots...

The bottom clam is not really warped, that's just refraction...





Downstate reefer closing his tank sold me the center coral as an Oregon Tort. I was angry when I got it because it is clearly a Cali Tort, but nevertheless, it's already turning out to be one of my fav's!

Looks absolutely amazing Eric! I will definitely be stopping by in the next coupe of weeks! PM me a time that works for you!
WOW!! The tank has changed alot since I last seen it.. That BTA is going to change with your lighting and look awesome :D

we have a generic "Ice Fire" but the top-left is my newTyree Mother of Pearl (from WCR) and it is soooo amazing irl...


This is my very large Elegance. I had to clear out some others to make room for him. It's about 10" when fully open ,which is most of the time ;)
