FishBeard's 180g Wall'o'Tank!

Any updates, George?

I have an fr-45 hydra Biopellet reactor now filled with 3 cups of ecobak pellets, and have flooded the bottom of the stand when my ATO hose slipped out of my sump and pumped about a gallon of water over a day. Then had a mishap with my skimmer overflowing before I had the cup connected to a collection container and it splattered skimmatey water all over in the stand thru the vent holes in the lid. Still fighting the new tank algae bloom since I was foregoing gfo while getting the Biopellet reactor seeded. But this next month should be a good one. Pellets are topped off, seeded with mb7 for the last 2 weeks, algae bloom is dissipating, chaeto growth has tapered off, and I'm about to start running BRS high capacity gfo on the system.
I have an fr-45 hydra Biopellet reactor now filled with 3 cups of ecobak pellets, and have flooded the bottom of the stand when my ATO hose slipped out of my sump and pumped about a gallon of water over a day. Then had a mishap with my skimmer overflowing before I had the cup connected to a collection container and it splattered skimmatey water all over in the stand thru the vent holes in the lid. Still fighting the new tank algae bloom since I was foregoing gfo while getting the Biopellet reactor seeded. But this next month should be a good one. Pellets are topped off, seeded with mb7 for the last 2 weeks, algae bloom is dissipating, chaeto growth has tapered off, and I'm about to start running BRS high capacity gfo on the system.

Oh of those days. Sorry to hear about the flood, but great news on making headway with the algae bloom battle!

I love reefers...
WooHoo! Productive weekend! Spent all my overtime money at LFS's!

All this has been added over the past few days:

- 3 LARGE pieces of tonga that only weighed in at 7 pounds!

- 3 Dwarf Angels: Potters, Bicolor and Keyhole
- Large Lawnmower Blenny
- Filamented Flasher Wrasse
- Pair of Pearly Jawfish

- 30 more nassarius snails
- 20 more margarita snails

- Rock of neon green zoas
- Devils Paw leather
- Alveopora (White center, purple ring, green fringes)
- Alveopora (Lets call this one the St. Patricks Day coral, dark green, mint green, and more green)
- Two paly frags, one looks like a sweet speckled lunar morph
- 2 head frag of awesome bi-color hammer
- Orange beaded Disco shrooms (pickup today)

I think this weekend has been the most expensive "livestock" purchase I have ever made collectively.
Thanks. You have made Tank Envy set in big time. Lol.:high5:

That is an awesome tank. The scape is amazing and the background really set it off. Almost like looking into the ocean. Keep it up.

What are your plans for a sump and all that? Not sure if you mentioned it before or not.
nice tank, needs more btas tho.

I agree completely. Unfortunately there seems to be a BTA trend going on, and its harder and harder to source nicer ones without artificial price inflation on them. I dont want a tank full of rose btas just for the sake of having a ton of nems.

I am still on the wet/dry converted to a chaeto sump. Ive got the 40b sitting out in the garage waiting to be bafffled. Will have a full dedicated macrotope fuge / acclimation area, and built in bubble towers and sock holders so everything stays clean down below.
If you go with local importers you can get them without the price inflation. A lfs by me has some deep green and blue ones for like $60, which for the size is pretty darn good. According to him, BTA's aren't in "high damand."
I agree completely. Unfortunately there seems to be a BTA trend going on, and its harder and harder to source nicer ones without artificial price inflation on them. I dont want a tank full of rose btas just for the sake of having a ton of nems.

I am still on the wet/dry converted to a chaeto sump. Ive got the 40b sitting out in the garage waiting to be bafffled. Will have a full dedicated macrotope fuge / acclimation area, and built in bubble towers and sock holders so everything stays clean down below.

Crappy iPhone FTS:

I agree completely. Unfortunately there seems to be a BTA trend going on, and its harder and harder to source nicer ones without artificial price inflation on them. I dont want a tank full of rose btas just for the sake of having a ton of nems.

I am still on the wet/dry converted to a chaeto sump. Ive got the 40b sitting out in the garage waiting to be bafffled. Will have a full dedicated macrotope fuge / acclimation area, and built in bubble towers and sock holders so everything stays clean down below.
yea ive definately been victim to that as well. although my 75 is pretty full with my 8. theres no reason at all to pay 100$ for the same old rose. 100$ for something nice on the other hand... such as your avatar. you get a few of the same ones and all of a sudden they are 8" wide and your whole tank looks the same. do you have your mp 40's not lined up for a reason? do you get nicer flow that way? or just ppl running into it all the time?