Forsale threads


Active member
Getting really tired of seeing a reefer selling items for a great price on here only to have some cheap *** try to talk them down in price. Look if you cant afford said item then move along its a insult to the seller to sit there and try to haggle them down from already great price. this isn't a flea market so stop treating good standing members like it is. This is a expensive hobby if you cant afford it get out of it there is nothing cheap about this so if you don't have a job or you have a job that doesn't pay worth a crap then maybe this isn't for you. But its not the sellers problem that you don't have money. Think of it this way that reefer you are trying to talk down in price paid a decent amount for the said item from a LFS now he grew it out for months to years spent money on food water electric and his time and now you are going to spit in his face that his price it to high GTFO here. Also no one on here owes you anything for free so stop with the im so broke sob stories and do what you got to do to either afford this hobby or sell your tank off and pay your bills. Man the f@#k UP.
I think the last guy who came over, saw what 100 polyps really looked like & decided it wasn't worth the $$$. Could have just told me that, rather than saying he was going out to get me $100 for even more stuff & then never calling, while I waited another 3 hours for him to come back... AFTER I FRAGGED IT FOR HIM! They're now sitting in a bag in my fuge... :(
i think low balling and haggling is different.

haggling is smart. yes this hobby is expensive, but to save a few bucks is great someway or another. and im thinking some people expect to shave off some dollars and have a higher price to adjust for it.

low balling is a crappy move. there is a market price for everything and to insult the seller is wrong.

and honestly putting in an offer is not bad, but do it in PMs. and to hijack someones thread is a different story and just move on. it annoying to see people complain about prices in the seller's thread.
Amen i cant tell u how many people i refuse to deal with on here any more they ask a million question on pm then say well i dont have that much money is there anyway we can eork something out i will trade u xena for strawberry shortcake. My favorite is when u put shiet forvfree and a holes want it delivered or a ten dollar frag delivered to japan when gas will cost me sixty dollars i got so mad one time threw a red plant colony in the garbage and sent pic to guy and said its being delivered as we speak u can pick it up in landfill . Sone people r great on here some r bigger arses then i can ever be if i want u to hold something i offer to paypal u money at the least . Any way i have a huge list of fuuk those iddiots list most r not the new people on here sad to say
Joe, you sound a bit pissed???

How about the guys who messages you because they're freebie died & they want another one?
So this appears to be aimed at someone in particular. However in a general sense, I have to disagree. If someone lowballs you, haggles you, or "insults" you, simply say no or ignore it. There has been plenty of times where I "stood firm" on my price only to hold onto it for months and wish I took the "low ball" offer. Sometimes moving something fast is worth the hit in money. Like most items in this world, not everything is worth what you paid for it, esp if it's dry goods that have been used. The market is just simply overwhelmed with products for a lesser price then what you paid for it. I'm sure this will piss some people off but it's simply the truth.
How about the seller who never responds? I'm a guy who likes to make the appointment and not be late. Some of you who have dealt with me know this. As a seller and as a buyer I always take the appointment made very seriously as time is money. If you are going to be late not able to make it then a quick 5 second text is more than sufficient. It's when you are left hanging for days. That's my 2 cent.
No not pointed at anyone this was a general statement and the only reason I sell stuff is I have no use for it but it can sit in my garage before I'll be low balled and if it don't sell it don't sell when I put a price on something I put it to move always very low and fair remember the person who wants it and want to low all me isn't my kid I don't owe them anything for any cheaper then what I set the price for
I think that happens more often than not. But I've never had someone going out to get more $$$ & never coming back, leaving you waiting for them with their frags in your hand.
This is usually new people to site. That's y I hesitate to sell to someone who just joined site. Only reason most people join is bc they google something for sale and then find it on site. They then join just to try and get a deal. This isn't all new people bc some people do stick around. Also I will never give something for free to a new member to the site. Bc they will prob turn around and flip.
This is how I flip...
Sometimes you think you are selling for a great price but it is only worth what someone will pay. I like deals and if its a great one I will not low ball but if you have a almost new skimmer that sells for 400$ and your asking 275-300 thats not a deal maybe to you or who is selling it but for me 150-200 is a deal. I sell my stuff all the time to buy different stuff and get lowballed all the time but if there are only 2-3 people that want it and I have had it for sale over 4 weeks I sell to the best offer thats me why what to get a extra 50$ or so if no one wants it might as well make someones day but other people might wait yrs to get that 1 buyer that will pay the full price guess its how bad do you want to sell it or how bad do you need the money. BUT THE THING THAT MAKES ME MAD THE MOST is people think the hobby is big $$$$ and it dont have to be maybe people think that because petco or where ever they go rips them off but there are good prices out there you just have to find them and the internet makes it that much easier :). I am putting a tank toghter for my friend its his 1st saltwater tank we got the 150gal drilled with power heads,skimmer no good dont like it,73lbs of live rock quartine it now,light no good for coral,15w uv light all for 200$ new light we got for 50$ and guy gave us a skimmer,wet dry we need $50-100$and 40$ for salt so we are into the tank around 400$ thats a good deal and the hobby dont cost alot when just the tank at the store will cost 1000+. This is why I sell my livestock and food so cheap to keep the avg person in the hobby dont have to be rich to have a killer tank unless you want it all toghter in 2-3days.