Forsale threads

That's OK, there are plenty of other nice folks who will!

Unless offered, it's pretty ballzie to ask for delivery. Maybe if someone said, please delivery for an extra fee, but otherwise, using your own has to sweeten, your own deal, you might as well PIF it. Asking for more for free is just as bad as some of the crap these clowns pull here.

I offer to deliver other peoples' stuff if I like em, or the buyer, but some people don't warrant being nice to. That's ma opinion, which is law.
Unless offered, it's pretty ballzie to ask for delivery. Maybe if someone said, please delivery for an extra fee, but otherwise, using your own has to sweeten, your own deal, you might as well PIF it. Asking for more for free is just as bad as some of the crap these clowns pull here.

I offer to deliver other peoples' stuff if I like em, or the buyer, but some people don't warrant being nice to. That's ma opinion, which is law.
come bring me ur qt... my fishy got crypt! oh... and i want u to pay me $20 bc u will b graced with my presence.
wasn't directed at u specifically... but its cool. My wife even says im an a$$ and she married me...
anyone who has met me thinks im not nice either... =)

Your tattoos scared me!!! I had to check my wallet a few times when I was!!! j/k
I once had a guy ask me to deliver a clip on viper from hessvill all the way over to highland
The nerve of some kidding
come bring me ur qt... my fishy got crypt! oh... and i want u to pay me $20 bc u will b graced with my presence.

$20 isn't bad. Eric wants to see my ID before I enter, it's like a club with entry fee! But he does have sexy sticks ;) Down Boys!
$20 isn't bad. Eric wants to see my ID before I enter, it's like a club with entry fee! But he does have sexy sticks ;) Down Boys!

Ahhhhhh.... I'm not letting u in my house. Lol u think I'm crazy?!? lol Ur meeting me in a well lit place with lots of people.
I still feel anyone selling something has to understand that you will get the people that want it cheaper even if its $5 I say for $5 if it makes them feel they won so be it. As for the guy that says he pays 2gs for a tank and 4mo later he will sell it for 1700 and thats a deal for me I would not touch it unless it was 1 of a kind then I still might not mess with it lol not when you can find 220-300gal for less then 1000. lets say you are selling a 220gal for 1700$ and you can find them all day long for 700-1000$ hell new for 1299$ with stand what makes that persons 220gal for 1700$ so special the seller says they paid 2000$ for it so thats the buyers fult that the seller got riped off or I would think the seller is bs me and if the seller is not up front with stuff I walk because the trust is lost and buying used stuff you need to know hate to come home with 220gal of water on the floor lol.I like the craiglists post with people selling tanks with live stock and say they have over 10g into it but will sell for 6g ya thats a deal to a point most of the time the "3500" in live stock I dont want but and dont want to split up all peoples tast are different and that "3500" in livestock to resale is maybe 1500 on the blackmarket craiglist lol if everything sells and how long you sit on livestock to feed them and keep alive now ur down to 1400 resale take it to a petstore 500 ok maybe 800 on the high side if they even take it. So now you are paying a extra 2000+ for live stock you dont want so I guess I would be the lowballer emailing that person and saying keep your livestock and I will give you 2500 for the set up and yes the reply is thats a far cry from 6g but what I was getting at is they can keep the "3500" in livestock and just sell me the set up some can call it a lowballer but I call it smart business I have over paid to many times when I started 15yrs ago I will not make that mistake again lol.The hobby can be so much cheaper if there where more people in it and not getting out. Think about it if saltwater stores sold 50 flam angels a day and made 10-15 off each angel you can get it much cheaper but if a store sells 5-10 they have to sell it for 25-30 over cost to keep there lights on so the more that stay in the hobby and more that start the hobby prices will go down and will weed out the lowballers. By the way keith you do have great price on the wet dry
See heres the problem with that you'll buy the cheaper tank which is I bet from all glass then you'll have scratches all over it then you'll have leaks the one for 1700 is top notch custom with starphire and super clean I'll take the latter of the two and thanks I price my stuff to move
Unless offered, it's pretty ballzie to ask for delivery. Maybe if someone said, please delivery for an extra fee, but otherwise, using your own has to sweeten, your own deal, you might as well PIF it. Asking for more for free is just as bad as some of the crap these clowns pull here.

I offer to deliver other peoples' stuff if I like em, or the buyer, but some people don't warrant being nice to. That's ma opinion, which is law.

I agree... It drives me nuts when people want to buy stuff and then ask if your coming to their area. If you want something, find a way to go buy it. I've driven to Wisconsin, Indiana and as far west as Rockford for coral, fish and equipment. If your not willing to go get it, then stop wasting people's time.
Im fine with low balls and negotiating...before hand online.

If they try negotiate in person, I give them one chance to buy at agreed upon price. If they continue to negotiate, I walk away.
I agree... It drives me nuts when people want to buy stuff and then ask if your coming to their area. If you want something, find a way to go buy it. I've driven to Wisconsin, Indiana and as far west as Rockford for coral, fish and equipment. If your not willing to go get it, then stop wasting people's time.
So you wouldn't have the heart to help out a disabled fellow reefer? Even for a freebie, if you were going to be in that area anyway?
I still feel anyone selling something has to understand that you will get the people that want it cheaper even if its $5 I say for $5 if it makes them feel they won so be it. As for the guy that says he pays 2gs for a tank and 4mo later he will sell it for 1700 and thats a deal for me I would not touch it unless it was 1 of a kind then I still might not mess with it lol not when you can find 220-300gal for less then 1000. lets say you are selling a 220gal for 1700$ and you can find them all day long for 700-1000$ hell new for 1299$ with stand what makes that persons 220gal for 1700$ so special the seller says they paid 2000$ for it so thats the buyers fult that the seller got riped off or I would think the seller is bs me and if the seller is not up front with stuff I walk because the trust is lost and buying used stuff you need to know hate to come home with 220gal of water on the floor lol.I like the craiglists post with people selling tanks with live stock and say they have over 10g into it but will sell for 6g ya thats a deal to a point most of the time the "3500" in live stock I dont want but and dont want to split up all peoples tast are different and that "3500" in livestock to resale is maybe 1500 on the blackmarket craiglist lol if everything sells and how long you sit on livestock to feed them and keep alive now ur down to 1400 resale take it to a petstore 500 ok maybe 800 on the high side if they even take it. So now you are paying a extra 2000+ for live stock you dont want so I guess I would be the lowballer emailing that person and saying keep your livestock and I will give you 2500 for the set up and yes the reply is thats a far cry from 6g but what I was getting at is they can keep the "3500" in livestock and just sell me the set up some can call it a lowballer but I call it smart business I have over paid to many times when I started 15yrs ago I will not make that mistake again lol.The hobby can be so much cheaper if there where more people in it and not getting out. Think about it if saltwater stores sold 50 flam angels a day and made 10-15 off each angel you can get it much cheaper but if a store sells 5-10 they have to sell it for 25-30 over cost to keep there lights on so the more that stay in the hobby and more that start the hobby prices will go down and will weed out the lowballers. By the way keith you do have great price on the wet dry

Wayyyyyyyy to many figures! Lol I only buy the best man. I don't buy "off the shelf" tanks. Ur newer here so I don't fault u for not knowing that. Again, not bragging... But that's just what I buy. Reef savvy custom tanks. Made of starphire glass. All 3 are custom dimensions. Again. Don't get me wrong. I don't mind giving someone a deal. But I never understood why people "haggle" on brand new items or fish. I rather pay extra money for a healthy fish that's been on someone's tank then goto a lfs and gamble on the health. People pay more $ with DD fish over LA fish... But when someone posts a fish here they want a "deal".

This is the reason I hardly put any of my high end stuff on this forum. Most that have bought from me are either friends or people that have seen my stuff and are willing to pay $ for nicer things... And they always get hookups. Anyone who's bought from me can always say I hooked them up. That's a 100% guarantee.

And for those of you who don't know.. I have stepped away from WCR for the time being bc of my schedule. With 2 kids under 2, and one being 3 months. 70-80 hrs of work a week, my 2nd masters degree... I felt I wasn't fulfilling my end of the partnership and I hardly have time to frag things. Eric's still my boy and I may be back in a couple months... But for now I'm out... Now I can say how I feel bc I'm not a sponsor anymore! Lol