Jay u got tattoos? :Spy: I knew that was a unicorn tramp stamp I saw when u bent over to get that fish for Eddie at living sea...
hahhah lol
Jay u got tattoos? :Spy: I knew that was a unicorn tramp stamp I saw when u bent over to get that fish for Eddie at living sea...
In all seriousness, I think the bigger issue is people just not following the rules. If someone doesn't like a price or wants to make an offer, it should be in PM and not a thread post. Now, if the seller wants to then turn around and say prices are firm, no offers, etc., he can do that, but if people would just stop posting offers and start sending PMs, most of these issues would be resolved.
Wayyyyyyyy to many figures! Lol I only buy the best man. I don't buy "off the shelf" tanks. Ur newer here so I don't fault u for not knowing that. Again, not bragging... But that's just what I buy. Reef savvy custom tanks. Made of starphire glass. All 3 are custom dimensions. Again. Don't get me wrong. I don't mind giving someone a deal. But I never understood why people "haggle" on brand new items or fish. I rather pay extra money for a healthy fish that's been on someone's tank then goto a lfs and gamble on the health. People pay more $ with DD fish over LA fish... But when someone posts a fish here they want a "deal".
This is the reason I hardly put any of my high end stuff on this forum. Most that have bought from me are either friends or people that have seen my stuff and are willing to pay $ for nicer things... And they always get hookups. Anyone who's bought from me can always say I hooked them up. That's a 100% guarantee.
And for those of you who don't know.. I have stepped away from WCR for the time being bc of my schedule. With 2 kids under 2, and one being 3 months. 70-80 hrs of work a week, my 2nd masters degree... I felt I wasn't fulfilling my end of the partnership and I hardly have time to frag things. Eric's still my boy and I may be back in a couple months... But for now I'm out... Now I can say how I feel bc I'm not a sponsor anymore! Lol
im not saying to deliver .. but if u dont ask can we meet somewhere ? you shouldnt post aww man good deal but ur too far is all im saying
I do this a lot. The whole "man wish you were downtown thing" but I do it more as in, a general statement that I like the product, and would buy it. I also see it as a way to "bump" a thread and hopefully generate interest for others. So I guess there is two ways of looking at it. I hopefully don't come across as a guy who wants free delivery.I've traveled pretty far to get stuff, I'm just only willing to do so if it's by a CTA Train or bus.
Yeah quit free loading man. Lol buy some roller skates! =)
exactly get some skates and grab onto a truck from under you bridge trololol
Ice skates?Waiting for the weather to warm up, then I can do that!![]()
Waiting for the weather to warm up, then I can do that!![]()
oh ya that's a no no. I would just smile and close my door. ; )I think the main complaint is folks agreeing on a price, showing up & then trying to get for less.
My 2cents are if you have a problem with people low balling you , asking for a discount or giving you an offer for your "deal" than maybe you shouldn't be postin stuff for sale. That's like buying a real nice pair of shoes and taking them to the club and then getting mad when someone "disrespects" you and steps on them. IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN.