how to prove lineage


New member
I recently posting a question on pricing and was told if I could prove lineage I could sell it for more. I'm not going to bother raising my price, but I'm wondering how do you prove lineage. The piece in question is a garf bonsai. I also have a lot of other corals I wondering about as well
You'd have to trace the coral back to Garf. For example: I have a Jcigar's Orange Sherbet chalice I got directly from Jimmy, the namer of this coral.
I recently posting a question on pricing and was told if I could prove lineage I could sell it for more. I'm not going to bother raising my price, but I'm wondering how do you prove lineage. The piece in question is a garf bonsai. I also have a lot of other corals I wondering about as well

Emails from purchase. As in the receipt or something along those lines. Maybe original email or discussion on forum u can point too when u bought it.
Let's say the coral changed hands multiple time, and I trace it back to the original seller. Do they offer some sort of authenticity or do I tell the new buyer I bought from Brian who bought from Joe who bought from and so on?
The only reason it comes into question is sometimes there are wild pieces that look similar. It basically affects the price... But not always a lot
I've never understood any of this myself. Psuedo-certification is really dangerous and who can prove that an email is an email and not just some bs:

"From: Rosko
To: Herbie

Subject: RE: That super expensive coral that you will be able to easily sell

Hi Herbie,
Here is that e-mail that confirms I sold you that really expensive coral. Once you give to a potential buyer thay can be sure it is real.

Not that hard. Sometimes I wonder about this hobby. . .

I've never understood any of this myself. Psuedo-certification is really dangerous and who can prove that an email is an email and not just some bs:

"From: Rosko
To: Herbie

Subject: RE: That super expensive coral that you will be able to easily sell

Hi Herbie,
Here is that e-mail that confirms I sold you that really expensive coral. Once you give to a potential buyer thay can be sure it is real.

Not that hard. Sometimes I wonder about this hobby. . .


Whoa!!!! Rosko getting "lovey" in a fake E-mail, I DO NOT BELIEVE IT AT ALL!!!!! :lol:
I can tell you now I have all Ultra and LE in my Tank becasue I got it from, Bobby who got it from Joe, and got it from Moe, then transfered it over to Larry, who frag a bunch from Curly then Curly had an email send over to Jimmy Buffet and ended up Cutting up some to give to Jimmy Hendricks and then cut up some Wild Acros that are Red Dragons but not really becasue the email sad Red Dragons that they got in from the wholsaler who claims they are Red Dragons... I mean that how some corals are handle it can be very hard to get Linage for someone unless you deal with the actuall seller directly or your LFS has proof of Linage.
I've never understood any of this myself.
Sometimes I wonder about this hobby. . .

I agree. I never understood how any coral(s) which orginated from the same place, our natural seas/oceans, can all of a sudden become "lineaged" once a particular person(s) (of whom likely had nothing to do with its collection) deems it worthy to be called by their own made up name. And for that, you all get to buy a 1/4" sliver for $500 and up. But another coral, which looks exactly the same, that comes from some unknown supplier, that coral is worth $20 for a nicely sized frag.

oh, the power of Marketing.

go figure
oh, the power of Marketing.

go figure

While I don't disagree, there are true standouts. There are many Red Dragon look alikes, but the lineaged CITR is suprisingly colorful. Some LE are over hyped, others are not. As not everyone has the ability to bring out the true colors of some of these LE corals, a direct lineage to the original namesake can show a buyer the corals true potential.
It comes down to the real deal or a fake. There are is a convo on r2r about the Jason fox bloodshot. Someone posted a pic and said they were JF bloodshots, some then pointed out its a wild polyp that looks similar but from different part of the world. Things like this can affect lighting and flow temperaments of the coral.

Also something that's been sold through multiple channels is prob not gonna be something that's rare, therefore the diff in price for lineage doesn't make a diff. No one cares where u got ur Mohawks from.
Who's to say the wild look alike isnt same dang coral people r paying good money for. People put names on itvsell it to some one for big money and coral looks like crap cause evryone has different lighting. I can take my red planet from ora and have in same tank and make three pieces place in differnt areas in the tank and will look like three different corals. But there r lots of people out there that will pay 500$ for the corals just for bragging rights . And to show they have more money then tge next guy . U look around and its same with everything in the hobby not just corals. Put a big price tag on anything and all of sudden its a must have the rich buy em and the poor scrape money together to buy the used ones and tge more it cost tge more people want it. Most corals is hard to tell linage looks different tank to tank .
Who's to say the wild look alike isnt same dang coral people r paying good money for. People put names on itvsell it to some one for big money and coral looks like crap cause evryone has different lighting. I can take my red planet from ora and have in same tank and make three pieces place in differnt areas in the tank and will look like three different corals. But there r lots of people out there that will pay 500$ for the corals just for bragging rights . And to show they have more money then tge next guy . U look around and its same with everything in the hobby not just corals. Put a big price tag on anything and all of sudden its a must have the rich buy em and the poor scrape money together to buy the used ones and tge more it cost tge more people want it. Most corals is hard to tell linage looks different tank to tank .
easy... they come from different parts of the world... not same coral.

and again lineage is not for everyone.. especially chicago lol i can count on my hand who here in Chicago who will pay for "bragging rights"... Im sorry, but I don't want my tank looking like everyone else's tank... therefore.. i pay more money for rarer pieces and fish... but thats not for everyone... thats why more corollas are sold then lambos...
Also, no one mentioned trustworthy people or vendors. If you buy your stuff from someone who has all LE pieces, you know yours will be legit... but there are others that will name it the LE name just to turn a buck and they don't really own one lineage coral. After being on the boards for a while, you'll know pretty easy who is selling legit stuff and who isn't (local and national). My tank is nothing but legit LE coral. I pay a premium but then I know what the coral's potential will be, and with limited real estate I know I'll have a colorful and unique tank. The first reaction I get from anyone who sees my tank, hobbyists or the average joe, is "wow."
You have to do a Donald Trump and insist on Birth Certificates. If that is Easy, insist on college transcripts. Do some searches for the Happy People Eaters (which I was one of the first to have). And see how many people ended up getting them. Origin is more important than anything. If a Happy People Eater comes from Bali and looks like a Happy People Eater than it most likely is. The people naming these corals are not full time coral sellers but have other jobs and make a hobby out of naming things.
I recently posting a question on pricing and was told if I could prove lineage I could sell it for more. I'm not going to bother raising my price, but I'm wondering how do you prove lineage. The piece in question is a garf bonsai. I also have a lot of other corals I wondering about as well

You prove lineage by telling the buyer to email the origin to verify that you purchased it.
The more people that a coral gets passed through, the more impossible it is to verify lineage as you have to contact each person and verify the chain in which it was purchased.
Usually one person is fairly easy. Example: Poidog is selling JKR Golden Dragon. I email JKR and ask if Eric from Evanston has purcahsed JKR from him. Answer is yes. Verified!
Two people gets harder. 'John' is selling JKR Golden Dragon. I contact Eric and ask him if he sold a GD frag to 'John'. He says yes. I contact JKR and ask if Eric from Evanston purchased a GD frag. He says yes. Verified!

NEVER take a persons word IF you care about lineage. Talk to the original distributor.
If the originator is Jason Fox, email Jason Fox.
If the originator is Steve Tyree, email Steve Tyree (or where Steve receive the coral which is always listed on his website like reefraft, wtsps, wwc, leochen, etc).
Unfortunately old pieces like GARF are really hard to verify. If you can't verify it you have to research the sellers credibility. NEVER take his word for something (unless its a nice coral and you don't care either way). For example, Tyree selling a GARF Bonsai is much more credible than a lfs selling 'GARF Bonsai'. When I want to sell pieces I didnt get directly I always tell the person where I got it. Example: ReefRaft Yellow Mamba from RockyMountainFrags.
Let's say the coral changed hands multiple time, and I trace it back to the original seller. Do they offer some sort of authenticity or do I tell the new buyer I bought from Brian who bought from Joe who bought from and so on?

Unfortunately it would be next to impossible to verify this.
Doesn't mean it isn't the real thing, just unlineaged. When selling always mention where you got it and lineage cant be verified.
I've never understood any of this myself. Psuedo-certification is really dangerous and who can prove that an email is an email and not just some bs:

"From: Rosko
To: Herbie

Subject: RE: That super expensive coral that you will be able to easily sell

Hi Herbie,
Here is that e-mail that confirms I sold you that really expensive coral. Once you give to a potential buyer thay can be sure it is real.

Not that hard. Sometimes I wonder about this hobby. . .


Exactly why I never trust someones word or their evidence. Contact the 'originator'.