how to prove lineage

The more money you throw at the wholesaler the better chances you are at landing that special pieces of Coral

I know many vendors/stores who spend thousands on an order and dont get a single amazing acro colony.
You need to show up the day it arrived with a large pocketbook. Not only do you need to spend a lot to get it in the first place, it can just die and you lose everything. All these factors go into why a corals price can be high.

If you order and have them ship you their choice of corals, they will send the ones no one already picked out. You'll get a couple nice ones but mostly common/browns. Odds of an amazing one are very slim. Thats why most chicago lfs arent that amazing. Their best option is to get their own corals direct which is very difficult just to set up (but rewards can be amazing).

If you don't know why, a 200$ frag sounds insane. Although sometimes it is.
Of u yea right keep dreaming

lol hardly of me. I don't need anyone to be jealous of me. Just sounds like you're jealous with all the comments of people just do it to show off. Not the reason I invest in nice corals.
Thats how it should be but im sure you notice more people show off the money they dpend on there tanks then there tanks. With all the people say they have the linesge here id think the potm posting would just blow peoples minds

lol i don't even have a "real" tank.. lol i have frag tanks. i haven't seen many tanks, but 2 I've seen are amazing... eric and menards (through pics).. I've seen others that are crazy nice as well... but i think those are in their own league.. but thats just me...

ill be the first to say... i drop coin on coral.. but i also drop coin on fish, computers, HT setups... and anything else i do.. except cars... even though i would like too... my wife calls it a sickness lol. I want the best at anything i do and i'll be the first to admit... there are a bunch of people that know wayyyyy more then me on Reef tanks but don't have the disposable income. I never claim to be better then anyone or anything.. and i don't think i am because I can afford things others can't. i am just more willing to spend $ on things.
lol hardly of me. I don't need anyone to be jealous of me. Just sounds like you're jealous with all the comments of people just do it to show off. Not the reason I invest in nice corals.

Im just saying u can lot of people do it for wrong reason . Its hard to say no to a nice color stick . The only thing that keeps my spending in check is knowing it looks bad azz in that tank but will it in mine . Every coral changes tank to tank sometimes for the better sometimes not so much . All my le corals look great in my tank but not one looks the same as day i got it. Ive given some to walt and they changed in his tank too same with rest of friens so really every coral is a mystery coral they just morph thats what they do. Nobody has same conditions nobody has same lighting. Now on side note i am jealous of walt his lights on his tank just make corals look amazing. But thats it u could give me all that fancy smancy equipment id have no clue how to even use it it be useless to me . I buy coral for the color not the name i buy fish because i like em not cause they cost 200$ so they must be cool . Imo hobbiest are to caught up in the eleftronics of the hobby been to lots of peoples houses the nicest tanks been the low budget hobbiest who dont have all the gadgets so have to be more desecates to the tank. U know how many people i know that crashed tanks and they tell me idk what happened my apex sent nothing to my i phone to say something was off in the tank. I just laugh and give em corals to stock there tanks they r friends so why not
So what people r saying u can never find a no name coral at a store that has no lineage cause its from differnt part of the world? So does jason fox and tyree own a special part of the ocean they can only get corals from ? Im curious or is it a guy with a bad azz tank and nice set up that had a coral get awsome colors and started selling em and put his name on it ? Cause im sure he is not jizzing on em to make em his

Joe, I think ORA own small part of the ocean somewhere (I heard someone said or read somewhere on the internet). Somebody may know more than me.
Im just saying u can lot of people do it for wrong reason . Its hard to say no to a nice color stick . The only thing that keeps my spending in check is knowing it looks bad azz in that tank but will it in mine . Every coral changes tank to tank sometimes for the better sometimes not so much . All my le corals look great in my tank but not one looks the same as day i got it. Ive given some to walt and they changed in his tank too same with rest of friens so really every coral is a mystery coral they just morph thats what they do. Nobody has same conditions nobody has same lighting. Now on side note i am jealous of walt his lights on his tank just make corals look amazing. But thats it u could give me all that fancy smancy equipment id have no clue how to even use it it be useless to me . I buy coral for the color not the name i buy fish because i like em not cause they cost 200$ so they must be cool . Imo hobbiest are to caught up in the eleftronics of the hobby been to lots of peoples houses the nicest tanks been the low budget hobbiest who dont have all the gadgets so have to be more desecates to the tank. U know how many people i know that crashed tanks and they tell me idk what happened my apex sent nothing to my i phone to say something was off in the tank. I just laugh and give em corals to stock there tanks they r friends so why not
joe.. I'm buying u a dictionary! lol I'm sitting over here with my decoder ring trying to figure this message out! =)
Im just saying u can lot of people do it for wrong reason . Its hard to say no to a nice color stick . The only thing that keeps my spending in check is knowing it looks bad azz in that tank but will it in mine . Every coral changes tank to tank sometimes for the better sometimes not so much . All my le corals look great in my tank but not one looks the same as day i got it. Ive given some to walt and they changed in his tank too same with rest of friens so really every coral is a mystery coral they just morph thats what they do. Nobody has same conditions nobody has same lighting. Now on side note i am jealous of walt his lights on his tank just make corals look amazing. But thats it u could give me all that fancy smancy equipment id have no clue how to even use it it be useless to me . I buy coral for the color not the name i buy fish because i like em not cause they cost 200$ so they must be cool . Imo hobbiest are to caught up in the eleftronics of the hobby been to lots of peoples houses the nicest tanks been the low budget hobbiest who dont have all the gadgets so have to be more desecates to the tank. U know how many people i know that crashed tanks and they tell me idk what happened my apex sent nothing to my i phone to say something was off in the tank. I just laugh and give em corals to stock there tanks they r friends so why not

The problem is you never said a lot do it to show off (even though through my experience most don't). You were referring to all. Hence my post (and others) asking if it is not possible there are other reasons.
I definitely see how it can seem that way. However, if you asked a person why they purchase the corals they do, I think you may think differently.

Completely agree on the coral and fish part.

Many electronics greatly assist owners in reef keeping. They are by no means an alternative to good husbandry.
Im going back to working on tank . Greg by the way im not saying u wrong about anything but dam boy u have to much time on u hands to be pulling all this info out of u a$$ and im not saying that as bad thing just saying u seriously have to much time on u hands u need a bigger tank to keep u busy . I would really like to c pics of the stuff every one is talking about. I have le and ora and tyree and yada yada yada but its the stuff everyone has seen already. Like greg not sure whatbis in u avatar but i want. Oh and some one mentioned erics tank. I seen while picking up red dragon its very nice tank and hes a great guy . He did hurt my feelings little when i offered him free frag he said he only collects le :( guess he thought i was poor lol. Its k still a good guy :) and killer deal on red dragon
I work two jobs. One regular full time, one part time. Usually over 60 hours per week. I have one engineering class at UIC and two Information Systems classes at Northwestern.
Once my clowns start spawning again Ill have even more on my plate.

This topic comes up all the time and eventually I get tired of peoples' misconceptions. This way when it comes up, we can link this thread.
I work two jobs. One regular full time, one part time. Usually over 60 hours per week. I have one engineering class at UIC and two Information Systems classes at Northwestern.
Once my clowns start spawning again Ill have even more on my plate.

I would love more time on my hands, but thanks for the insult on your way out. :(
Didn't know trying to help the community too much was considered a bad thing, and I should do something else with my time.

This topic comes up all the time and eventually I get tired of peoples' misconceptions and ignorance. This way when it comes up, we can link this thread.

Greg u taking these classes or teaching? I'm getting my 2nd masters in Info Systems.
Im going back to working on tank . Greg by the way im not saying u wrong about anything but dam boy u have to much time on u hands to be pulling all this info out of u a$$ and im not saying that as bad thing just saying u seriously have to much time on u hands u need a bigger tank to keep u busy . I would really like to c pics of the stuff every one is talking about. I have le and ora and tyree and yada yada yada but its the stuff everyone has seen already. Like greg not sure whatbis in u avatar but i want. Oh and some one mentioned erics tank. I seen while picking up red dragon its very nice tank and hes a great guy . He did hurt my feelings little when i offered him free frag he said he only collects le :( guess he thought i was poor lol. Its k still a good guy :) and killer deal on red dragon

awwww, i was nice about it though ;) You saw my tank I don't have any more room!
Greg u taking these classes or teaching? I'm getting my 2nd masters in Info Systems.

Nah, just taking classes as student. I have a BS in Electrical Engineering from UIC. I am taking some IS classes at Northwestern now, probably to finish a second BS in IS, then onto my MSIS. If I need a bunch of unnecessary extra classes to get a BSIS, I'm just going to skip it and just get an MSIS.
awwww, i was nice about it though ;) You saw my tank I don't have any more room!

Lol wrong eric never saw u tank. Saw eric the reds . Im sure u have a nice tank to .if i remeber right u the one with that crazy money wrasse could be wrong
I work two jobs. One regular full time, one part time. Usually over 60 hours per week. I have one engineering class at UIC and two Information Systems classes at Northwestern.
Once my clowns start spawning again Ill have even more on my plate.

I would love more time on my hands, but thanks for the insult on your way out. :(
Didn't know trying to help the community too much was considered a bad thing, and I should do something else with my time.

This topic comes up all the time and eventually I get tired of peoples' misconceptions and ignorance. This way when it comes up, we can link this thread.
Wasnt suposse to be insult . Was suposse to be compliment . Saying u had good info u must have lots of time on u hands to read that much . I only know about stuff i personly dealt with and had to do research on but your like a encyclopedia of info . Thats all wasnt trying to insult u just so u know. Dont think i personally attacked u in any of my post . Was just stateing my oppionion as u were yours but u got more stamina then me i tire easily lol . So if i insulted u in any way i am sorry .
Wasnt suposse to be insult . Was suposse to be compliment . Saying u had good info u must have lots of time on u hands to read that much . I only know about stuff i personly dealt with and had to do research on but your like a encyclopedia of info . Thats all wasnt trying to insult u just so u know. Dont think i personally attacked u in any of my post . Was just stateing my oppionion as u were yours but u got more stamina then me i tire easily lol . So if i insulted u in any way i am sorry .

Its ok, I saw a really long sentence about how I have too much time on my hands, and in the sentence was 'pulling things out of my a$$'. lol
Unfortunately old pieces like GARF are really hard to verify. If you can't verify it you have to research the sellers credibility. NEVER take his word for something (unless its a nice coral and you don't care either way). For example, Tyree selling a GARF Bonsai is much more credible than a lfs selling 'GARF Bonsai'. When I want to sell pieces I didnt get directly I always tell the person where I got it. Example: ReefRaft Yellow Mamba from RockyMountainFrags.

Speaking of Garf's, you remember that one you donated in that awesome frag pack a couple years ago? Fishbeard won the contest and sold it to me. Would you certify the one I got from george is real so I can save this post ;)