how to prove lineage

Lol wrong eric never saw u tank. Saw eric the reds . Im sure u have a nice tank to .if i remeber right u the one with that crazy money wrasse could be wrong

Ah, wrong Eric... lol. Yep, I'm the one with the Tamarin wrasse. Despite her cost she's my favorite... full of personality.

Here's what a tank full of lineage is.... tt's value is that of a small car by now.

at whim crappy iphone shot
Ah, wrong Eric... lol. Yep, I'm the one with the Tamarin wrasse. Despite her cost she's my favorite... full of personality.

Here's what a tank full of lineage is.... tt's value is that of a small car by now.

at whim crappy iphone shot

Ugly. And that tard fish is ugly.

Lol =)
Ah, wrong Eric... lol. Yep, I'm the one with the Tamarin wrasse. Despite her cost she's my favorite... full of personality.

Here's what a tank full of lineage is.... tt's value is that of a small car by now.

at whim crappy iphone shot

All i can concentrate on is that sexy wrasse is there coral in that pic too :)
Do I see LE Xenia? Lol jk!
Great tank like always Eric.

Ah, wrong Eric... lol. Yep, I'm the one with the Tamarin wrasse. Despite her cost she's my favorite... full of personality.

Here's what a tank full of lineage is.... tt's value is that of a small car by now.

at whim crappy iphone shot
I buy corals I like I do t ha e plain Jane I spend a decent amount of money on my tank if you tell me its fox cool I'll only buy it if I like it not for the name that's for sure
Now if you go to Cali and even Florida, thats a different story. The lfs there actually do have some of the best of the best and you can find a new wild coral that is insane.

Store hopping in Florida is awesome! I grabbed an acro colony that should continue to color up excellently. It even merited my bringing of it through airport security. :)

Lineaged or not, you'll always find cool coral. I've seen incredible mini colonies, and I've seen LE coral that I wouldn't even put in my tank. The only advantage with lineaged coral is that you know what your getting. I like looks, but I like guessing too. I have LE and Wild coral in my tank. :)
Ah, wrong Eric... lol. Yep, I'm the one with the Tamarin wrasse. Despite her cost she's my favorite... full of personality.

Here's what a tank full of lineage is.... tt's value is that of a small car by now.

at whim crappy iphone shot

And finally, a new FTS! I'm in acro heaven!
Speaking of Garf's, you remember that one you donated in that awesome frag pack a couple years ago? Fishbeard won the contest and sold it to me. Would you certify the one I got from george is real so I can save this post ;)

Unfortunately, the GARF bonsai is next to unverifiable. Its one of the few corals that are. As time goes by and the originators disappear from the hobby, the numbers of unverifiable corals will grow. Imagine verifying a ReefRaft coral if ReefRaft was closed for years. Its been so long since GARF sold frags of it themselves. They weren't really a major coral seller anyway, so the odds of them having purchase records from back then are very poor. GARF Bonsai is one of the very few that has the name GARF on it.

I can only verify how I acquired it. After that, its up to the buyer to determine if it is legit.
Steve Garrett (Garrett's Acropolis) -> Steve Tyree (reeffarmers) -> Me

Steve Tyree did not grow the frag himself, he received it straight from Steve Garrett. Steve Garrett says it is the real deal. He is definitely a reputable grower, but there is no way for me to verify.
Imagine verifying a ReefRaft coral if ReefRaft was closed for years.

LOL they sort of are now that they are no longer being supplied by the Reef Raft import chain.... no more nice corals coming from Reef Raft USA anymore, they're now just a regular joe shmo
LOL they sort of are now that they are no longer being supplied by the Reef Raft import chain.... no more nice corals coming from Reef Raft USA anymore, they're now just a regular joe shmo

Our illegal smuggling run is looking better and better as every month passes with no new corals. ;)

Or pay $ and spend the time to try it legally...
Im going back to working on tank . Greg by the way im not saying u wrong about anything but dam boy u have to much time on u hands to be pulling all this info out of u a$$ and im not saying that as bad thing just saying u seriously have to much time on u hands u need a bigger tank to keep u busy . I would really like to c pics of the stuff every one is talking about. I have le and ora and tyree and yada yada yada but its the stuff everyone has seen already. Like greg not sure whatbis in u avatar but i want. Oh and some one mentioned erics tank. I seen while picking up red dragon its very nice tank and hes a great guy . He did hurt my feelings little when i offered him free frag he said he only collects le :( guess he thought i was poor lol. Its k still a good guy :) and killer deal on red dragon

I think "Eric's" tank mentioned with Menard's tank was poidog's, not mine. But thanks for thinking my tank was anywhere near that nice :) Also, when I said I a only collecting LE's, well technically that only sems to be what i have been getting lately because it is very very rare that I see something stunning enough in a LFS that I would want in my tank. Having said that, there are several sticks in my tank that are not LE or "named" and they are awesome keepers. Sorry if I seemed snobish but I am very open to putting any nice sticks in my tank. When I met you, you told you had some nice sticks and I'm looking forward to the day where some of mine grow out so we can swap ;)

On a side note...for anyone who bought a "CITR" Red Dragon from me recently, here's the lineage. I don't have anything in writting so you'll just have to trust they are the real deal.

I bought mine from Maida - Maida told be he got his from Battlecorals - I personally spoke with Adam (from Battlecorals) in person at his farming facility (a.k.a. his basement) and he confirmed that he sold the RD to Mai - Adam told me he bought his RD from Steve Tyree and I never asked to see his invoice from Tyree...

As far as I'm concerned, I trust them both and will continue to call mine CITR. In the future, if anyone doesn't like this chain of events then it is their perogative to get their RD straight from the source. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if you require something in writting ;)
Unfortunately, the GARF bonsai is next to unverifiable. Its one of the few corals that are. As time goes by and the originators disappear from the hobby, the numbers of unverifiable corals will grow. Imagine verifying a ReefRaft coral if ReefRaft was closed for years. Its been so long since GARF sold frags of it themselves. They weren't really a major coral seller anyway, so the odds of them having purchase records from back then are very poor. GARF Bonsai is one of the very few that has the name GARF on it.

I can only verify how I acquired it. After that, its up to the buyer to determine if it is legit.
Steve Garrett (Garrett's Acropolis) -> Steve Tyree (reeffarmers) -> Me

Steve Tyree did not grow the frag himself, he received it straight from Steve Garrett. Steve Garrett says it is the real deal. He is definitely a reputable grower, but there is no way for me to verify.

Your word is good enough for me :thumb:
I think "Eric's" tank mentioned with Menard's tank was poidog's, not mine. But thanks for thinking my tank was anywhere near that nice :) Also, when I said I a only collecting LE's, well technically that only sems to be what i have been getting lately because it is very very rare that I see something stunning enough in a LFS that I would want in my tank. Having said that, there are several sticks in my tank that are not LE or "named" and they are awesome keepers. Sorry if I seemed snobish but I am very open to putting any nice sticks in my tank. When I met you, you told you had some nice sticks and I'm looking forward to the day where some of mine grow out so we can swap ;)

On a side note...for anyone who bought a "CITR" Red Dragon from me recently, here's the lineage. I don't have anything in writting so you'll just have to trust they are the real deal.

I bought mine from Maida - Maida told be he got his from Battlecorals - I personally spoke with Adam (from Battlecorals) in person at his farming facility (a.k.a. his basement) and he confirmed that he sold the RD to Mai - Adam told me he bought his RD from Steve Tyree and I never asked to see his invoice from Tyree...

As far as I'm concerned, I trust them both and will continue to call mine CITR. In the future, if anyone doesn't like this chain of events then it is their perogative to get their RD straight from the source. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if you require something in writting ;)

I want a notarized letter please
I think "Eric's" tank mentioned with Menard's tank was poidog's, not mine. But thanks for thinking my tank was anywhere near that nice :) Also, when I said I a only collecting LE's, well technically that only sems to be what i have been getting lately because it is very very rare that I see something stunning enough in a LFS that I would want in my tank. Having said that, there are several sticks in my tank that are not LE or "named" and they are awesome keepers. Sorry if I seemed snobish but I am very open to putting any nice sticks in my tank. When I met you, you told you had some nice sticks and I'm looking forward to the day where some of mine grow out so we can swap ;)

On a side note...for anyone who bought a "CITR" Red Dragon from me recently, here's the lineage. I don't have anything in writting so you'll just have to trust they are the real deal.

I bought mine from Maida - Maida told be he got his from Battlecorals - I personally spoke with Adam (from Battlecorals) in person at his farming facility (a.k.a. his basement) and he confirmed that he sold the RD to Mai - Adam told me he bought his RD from Steve Tyree and I never asked to see his invoice from Tyree...

As far as I'm concerned, I trust them both and will continue to call mine CITR. In the future, if anyone doesn't like this chain of events then it is their perogative to get their RD straight from the source. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if you require something in writting ;)

I was just messing with u lol about coral. So far so good on red dragon. Looks no where close to a fake one by the way i have a piece of fake u can easily tell different. Man i forgot to check out u fish only system with the tust.:(
ErictheRed, I would like to have a frag of red dragon back if you can. Thanks.

NO WAY!!!! It will disrupt the linage forces causing a loop in the coralization syncopolorization atmospheric poly dodecahedron system THUS causing a spike in the ocean balance and therefore bringing Armageddon closer to reality!!!!!!!! or so I was told anyway on the internet and it's all true, because you can't post anything on the net that isnt true!!!