how to prove lineage

I agree. I never understood how any coral(s) which orginated from the same place, our natural seas/oceans, can all of a sudden become "lineaged" once a particular person(s) (of whom likely had nothing to do with its collection) deems it worthy to be called by their own made up name. And for that, you all get to buy a 1/4" sliver for $500 and up. But another coral, which looks exactly the same, that comes from some unknown supplier, that coral is worth $20 for a nicely sized frag.

oh, the power of Marketing.

go figure

There is nothing wrong with wild knock-offs. The reason some of us like lineaged corals: We see a coral online or in person that we fall in love with. We NEED that exact coral. We are willing to pay a little extra to make sure we get the EXACT coral. We do not want to risk getting a knockoff and getting a coral that eventually looks nothing like the coral we originally saw and wanted. Some people cant tell the differenced between corals, some can.
There is nothing wrong with wild knock-offs. The reason some of us like lineaged corals: We see a coral online or in person that we fall in love with. We NEED that exact coral. We are willing to pay a little extra to make sure we get the EXACT coral. We do not want to risk getting a knockoff and getting a coral that eventually looks nothing like the coral we originally saw and wanted. Some people cant tell the differenced between corals, some can.

Wild Knockoffs? You mean aquacultured knockoffs since wild is the original.
Also, no one mentioned trustworthy people or vendors. If you buy your stuff from someone who has all LE pieces, you know yours will be legit... but there are others that will name it the LE name just to turn a buck and they don't really own one lineage coral. After being on the boards for a while, you'll know pretty easy who is selling legit stuff and who isn't (local and national). My tank is nothing but legit LE coral. I pay a premium but then I know what the coral's potential will be, and with limited real estate I know I'll have a colorful and unique tank. The first reaction I get from anyone who sees my tank, hobbyists or the average joe, is "wow."

This is the biggest problem with lineaged corals. People LIE...a LOT...Its all about money.
If no one lied there wouldn't be so many issues with these corals.
One person gets lied to about a coral. He will then lie to the next person (he thinks he is telling the truth because he is unaware he was lied to when he bought it.)
There are also people who put names on common mariculture corals that shouldn't have names. Just to make money. Then when a true 'LE' comes out people laugh at the idea of naming a coral. The vendors and people doing this are the ones giving all 'LE' and lineaged corals a bad image. It takes quite a bit of research to know which names matter and which dont.

This happens in the antique industry all the time. Someone will come in with an expensive antique item that they say is 100% authentic because their grandpa gave it to them and he has had it for 70 years. Their grandpa would NEVER lie to them. Well turns out that the item is a fake. The grandpa bought a fake and kept it for 70 years believing it was real. When you tell the person they get furious and deeply offended and claim you dont know what you are talking about. They have been making fakes for millennia.

If you call someone out on their fake coral, you get an uproar against you. Its not a personal attack. Its really just trying to help buyers. Usually people who cause the uproar don't even care about names to begin with. If you don't care about names, don't list a name when you are selling it! Just proof you are all about money when you turn it around and complain about the person who calls you out.
The reason that lineaged corals are so expensive is many fold. There is the innate feature of someone being able to keep a rare/desirable species alive and growing to a point where some frags are possible. This requires years of effort and time, as we all know too well to keep hard species alive. It also requires special skills to frag colonies and keep them growing for years on even brittle species so as to not cause RTN and other issues. There are real differences between lineaged and non-lineaged (more specifically to SPS) in terms of color, growth patterns, and more.

It also requires a uniqueness to the coral itself from its place of origin. There are hundreds of look-a-likes for corals, but in most cases the original mother colony looks very different, whether brighter or growth areas have different shading.

I can get multiple acros from different parts of the world that are close, but in area they grow like weeds, and in the other they grow sparse and far between. They are not identical species, so the rarer ones are going to be more expensive.

There are those that think it doesn't matter, and for those people, buy the knock-offs, but I wouldn't be too quick to ridicule those that are into lineaged. There's a real cost and effort associated with these original pieces.

I am not into lineaged species personally, but I truly understand and appreciate the process and effort behind them.
If you call someone out on their fake coral, you get an uproar against you. Its not a personal attack. Its really just trying to help buyers. Usually people who cause the uproar don't even care about names to begin with. If you don't care about names, don't list a name when you are selling it! Just proof you are all about money when you turn it around and complain about the person who calls you out.

Like what I did calling out a a local retailing trying to sell fake red dragons, just asked for them to clarify it wasn't the lineage red dragon and it was an uproar... lol good times.

I'm just saying as far as trusting people... like you or me. People know because of our analness that it's legit.
There are those that think it doesn't matter, and for those people, buy the knock-offs, but I wouldn't be too quick to ridicule those that are into lineaged. There's a real cost and effort associated with these original pieces.

I am not into lineaged species personally, but I truly understand and appreciate the process and effort behind them.

I agree completely. I have seen many acros that are just amazing and not 'LE' and dont have a name on them. Some better than most 'LE'. They should fetch a pretty nice price tag on them even without a name. However, if its really nice acro, seen nowhere else, and its very popular, you may want to put your own name on it. The reason being because down the road someone might want your EXACT acro frag. They need a unique name to refer to it. Therefore you cant use the scientific name. You dont need a weird name, something as easy as Poidog's Horrida can do for a nice a. horrida. Now when someone wants to buy your exact a. horrida, they can find someone who has it lineaged and purchase it.

People have so many misconceptions about 'LE' and the people who buy them.
Like what I did calling out a a local retailing trying to sell fake red dragons, just asked for them to clarify it wasn't the lineage red dragon and it was an uproar... lol good times.

I'm just saying as far as trusting people... like you or me. People know because of our analness that it's legit.

Exactly. If you don't care about the name or the true lineage, do not use the name! Its only about money.
easy... they come from different parts of the world... not same coral.

and again lineage is not for everyone.. especially chicago lol i can count on my hand who here in Chicago who will pay for "bragging rights"... Im sorry, but I don't want my tank looking like everyone else's tank... therefore.. i pay more money for rarer pieces and fish... but thats not for everyone... thats why more corollas are sold then lambos...
hey im not knocking em all my pieces r from lineage and yes it is about bragging rights like i said everyone wants em just not all can afford . Im just saying u can pay big money for a tyree or jason fox coral but most likely change color on u or most people just cause every tank is different. I understand if u have tobs of money and want tovshow it off with a masterpiece tank nothing wrong with that same as cars thats y they make lexus and mercadez least u buy a car its gonna look the same in u garage as it will in jason foxes . Cant say same for corals
No one can buy nice corals because they are nice? There has to be another reason?
It needs to be because they are showing off? Even if they never show off to anyone?

Assumptions. :/
So what people r saying u can never find a no name coral at a store that has no lineage cause its from differnt part of the world? So does jason fox and tyree own a special part of the ocean they can only get corals from ? Im curious or is it a guy with a bad azz tank and nice set up that had a coral get awsome colors and started selling em and put his name on it ? Cause im sure he is not jizzing on em to make em his
So what people r saying u can never find a no name coral at a store that has no lineage cause its from differnt part of the world? So does jason fox and tyree own a special part of the ocean they can only get corals from ? Im curious or is it a guy with a bad azz tank and nice set up that had a coral get awsome colors and started selling em and put his name on it ? Cause im sure he is not jizzing on em to make em his

Certain people get 'first dibs' from importers to buy the nicest of the nice and the rarest of the rare. They pay top dollar to be the only ones with that coral.
Out of lets say 400 acro colonies that get imported from a top importer, maybe only 3-4 get a name put on them like Tyree. Sometimes 400 can come in, nothing special, and 0 get names.
Different importers have different connections and can get in nicer corals. It is incredibly difficult to explain to collectors what you want. Some people spend years of getting common brown corals just to eventually explain to them what corals to send and which to leave. Theres a distance barrier, language barrier, communication barrier, permit barrier, etc. It is not as easy as it seems to get super nice corals from the 'ocean'.

It is very unlikely to walk into a store in chicago and find an exact sotrm that was imported recently from the wild, just happened that every top wholesaler/vendor passed on the amazing coral when they got first dibs, and then the lfs just happened to get it for a ridiculously low price.
LFS around here, usually dont get the top picks from an importer because they just dont sell here. Now if you go to Cali and even Florida, thats a different story. The lfs there actually do have some of the best of the best and you can find a new wild coral that is insane. Stores there pay top dollar for colonies because they know they can frag it and sell high for profit. LFS around here usually wont pay that top dollar because it will never sell for those high amounts here. All about the benjamins.
No one can buy nice corals because they are nice? There has to be another reason?
It needs to be because they are showing off? Even if they never show off to anyone?

Assumptions. :/

Thats how it should be but im sure you notice more people show off the money they dpend on there tanks then there tanks. With all the people say they have the linesge here id think the potm posting would just blow peoples minds
The more money you throw at the wholesaler the better chances you are at landing that special pieces of Coral
Thats how it should be but im sure you notice more people show off the money they dpend on there tanks then there tanks. With all the people say they have the linesge here id think the potm posting would just blow peoples minds

Sounds like someone is jealous.
