I agree. I never understood how any coral(s) which orginated from the same place, our natural seas/oceans, can all of a sudden become "lineaged" once a particular person(s) (of whom likely had nothing to do with its collection) deems it worthy to be called by their own made up name. And for that, you all get to buy a 1/4" sliver for $500 and up. But another coral, which looks exactly the same, that comes from some unknown supplier, that coral is worth $20 for a nicely sized frag.
oh, the power of Marketing.
go figure
There is nothing wrong with wild knock-offs. The reason some of us like lineaged corals: We see a coral online or in person that we fall in love with. We NEED that exact coral. We are willing to pay a little extra to make sure we get the EXACT coral. We do not want to risk getting a knockoff and getting a coral that eventually looks nothing like the coral we originally saw and wanted. Some people cant tell the differenced between corals, some can.