But im guessing that they weren't really selling below cost. If they were they would most likely have gone bankrupt. It might be a good idea to wait and see what actually materializes out of all this blogodrama. Wouldn't it be amazing if MCF pops up again as a newly invented business without all the critics and all the past histories from its early development?
I bet after the personal situation abates, hopefully successfully, Midwest or whatever entity might be born from it, may just create something the industry has yet to see; a company with integrity, values, customer care, and lastly, how to be more transparent when issuing a painful statement. Kudos to the P.R. person, proving entrepreneurs should be more careful when announcing intentions that have such an impact. Try as MCF did to create an appropriate statement, they failed. As for the bait, I'm guessing that the people at MCF truly want people to come and talk to them, and to get a better explanation than some of the bloggers here have created. It's not a sale and it is for sure customer appreciation. Today MCF and its people are more aware of the impact they have had on the local market and the messages, not just here, but in hundreds of emails from other customers as well, will not be tossed away. Most of all, MCF conveys apologies to everyone that was so negatively affected by this decision and for having been privy to some of the complexities in making the statement of closing. In hind sight, well we all wish for that gift. The MCF story may be far from over. I love blogging. This is the first time blogging and I have read some amazing blogs that I couldn't even imagine where they came from, like this one, and then again, some heartfelt blogs as well. Let's hope the story has a better ending than this week.
Since you are determining integrity levels: is you name Mark or Gary?
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