It may not be possible to know what happened to cause all your corals to decline rapidly at the same time, especially if your water param's appear to be in order. I wouldn't expect it to be caused from a shift in salinity because most coral, can survive for brief periods in salinities well outside their normal ranges. But, if maintained for a longer period outside of that range they will be stressed and eventually will die. Higher salinity is more tolerable than is lower salinity.
However, this is assuming that the change in sg occurs slowly as in the case of the water evaporating in your tank. If you experience a situation such as yours, you should slowly add new top-off water to avoid a rapid change in sg. Sudden changes in sg can upset your coral. This is part of the reason why we acclimate new inhabitants, so they can slowly adjust to new sg levels. Without getting into too much detail, all saltwater inhabitants must deal with something called osmotic pressure.
If, as you say, your 20G sump was almost empty and your return pump was making noise, then you may have shocked the coral by topping off 15-18 (or however many) gallons all at the same time.
The only other thing I can think of in this situation is that the tap water had contaminants, in which case I would agree to do large wc's every few days with good rodi and a high quality reef salt. Also, I'd replace your carbon and add more than you normally do to help remove contaminants, if there are any...