Hey; what a kind thing to say! - I'm over by 95th and western - shoot me a pm and we can work something out!
Hey Rosko lemme know when u wanna swing by milks place. I gotta see it.
Btw. Milk.. don't buy a refugium light. I have one for u. A little tinkering and ur good to go.
so - caught the lil guy snoozing in front of the tank as I did my nightly scan after a few hours of lights off... opening and closing his mouth in half second increments, well... like a fish lol. The color change is pretty incredible too.
Awesome pic bro.. U knw what i found my mandarin sleeping in the sand bed at times... I saw his head and tail just sticking out lol
My poor mandarin jumped out of the tank while I was away for the long weekend. Very sad, what a great fish that responded so well to the prepared foods training.
I can't think about losing another fish like this again - going to build a cover, probably netting, over the top . The search begins for a design that will blend with the tank's rimless look and not obscure or distract from viewing.