Offical Chicagoreefs Fts Thread

Here's a thread thrower..... This is a full tank shot of 3 week old seahorses. The tank is a 5 gallon for size reference.

So how much do these sell for and if I feed rods full reef food will a seahorse live in my mixed reef?
Just saw your posts about the sponge, I fragged it because it was fricking huge I couldnt do a WC with out moving it and it was stuck in the sand bed so I fragged about 6 inches off the bottom and passed chunks along to people. As far as growth I couldnt really say other than the fact that is has fattened up quite a bit. If I ever frag it again I will let people know.
Howdy and here's mine!

Hi There!
Great site...I'm glad that I stumbled onto it!

Let's see if this works. This my baby.... my 65 gallon mixed reef.

Thanks Guys! You all have great tanks as well! What a great hobby....or a way of life!

BTW...holy moly that is a whole bunch of seahorses!