So far, so good. No leaks for the first few hours. I plan to keep water in for about a week, tomorrow I will put a set of powerheads to create wave in the tank. This will be the ultimate test with water movement. If all goes as planed, by next weekend I will have tank in my room ready to be set up.
Yeah, kids grow up so fast, he'll be 3 this coming November. He is excited about our new tank too, always trying to help me with something. :smile (2):
Im so jealous right now Mark! That looks incredible. I can only imagine what you are going to do with that beast. Your one of the best when it comes to making a tank look fantastic.
I did some work yesterday on my stand, originally I was going to build a metal stand, but decided to go with wood, since I had most of needed materials from my old stand that I took apart. Frame is ready to paint and skin. Will be finishing it later this weekend.
Getting closer to reality, I was able to do some work today and almost finish the stand. Also my good buddy Eddie ( DJE ) did fantastic job putting background on my tank and sump. ( thanks Eddie ). Of course thread without pictures is worthless so here they are: