Planning a new system- sneak peak

why not have the light in the middle?

I might still be in the middle, depends on final rock placement. Originally I envisioned couple of islands towards right back corner with most of front and left side left open, free of rocks. I really don't like anything symmetrical and putting light a little of center to the back, would add a unique look to the whole set up. I guess I will see how everything looks when I have it all together.
I love that you can access the stand on the sides. Are you gonna be able to fit all your equipment a in the stand? I elected for a big sump too, but now I think I have to find another way to store my dosers and reactors
I love that you can access the stand on the sides. Are you gonna be able to fit all your equipment a in the stand? I elected for a big sump too, but now I think I have to find another way to store my dosers and reactors

I have plenty of space behind sump for dosing containers and ATO container. I will install a shelve on back wall above sump for dosing pump. I think I will be fine,if not I will have to go with smaller sump.
What you guys think about my aquascape? I like the bonsai, minimalistic style but I think there is still enough hiding spots for fish and a lot of place for corals. All rock is ceramic, the two purple ones are made by Ceramco and the two other by Aquaroche. I will put more rock in sump for biological filtration.

Ill be honest in some tanks id say that is bare and u need more rock . But I know this isnt gonna be some tank and it will fill in and be beautiful like the ones before . Great job btw everything is lookin pro!
Ill be honest in some tanks id say that is bare and u need more rock . But I know this isnt gonna be some tank and it will fill in and be beautiful like the ones before . Great job btw everything is lookin pro!

Thanks for your opinion Chris, I know everybody has a different style. I want less rock to give more room for SPS to take over in few years, hoping to see the long term vision. Just like you said it should fill with corals and look better in time.
where are you guys getting your Cerameco Vidarock from? I just ordered from AquariumSpecialty. Want to see if there's a local place for it instead.
Is ammonia going to be an issue with such little rock? I know it depends on feeding and how many fish you have, but it just seems like that wouldn't be enough. Again I am asking the question, I don't know the answer. Otherwise I think it will look great all filled in.
Is ammonia going to be an issue with such little rock? I know it depends on feeding and how many fish you have, but it just seems like that wouldn't be enough. Again I am asking the question, I don't know the answer. Otherwise I think it will look great all filled in.

I think he said it will have substantially more LR in the sump.
Is ammonia going to be an issue with such little rock? I know it depends on feeding and how many fish you have, but it just seems like that wouldn't be enough. Again I am asking the question, I don't know the answer. Otherwise I think it will look great all filled in.

It could be an issues as you said if the stock levels were high and a lots of feeding. This rock is very porous, there will be a lot of surface for bacteria. But like I said in one of the above posts ,I will have additional amount of rock in sump to make sure the biological filtration is working properly.
Is ammonia going to be an issue with such little rock? I know it depends on feeding and how many fish you have, but it just seems like that wouldn't be enough. Again I am asking the question, I don't know the answer. Otherwise I think it will look great all filled in.

Since Mark is going back to using sand he will still have alot of surface area for bacteria. He's gonna have liverock in sump too. I've seen plenty of minimalist aquascapes that look great and have plenty of fish.
Got new goodies today thanks to Brian from Best Fish ( of course Best prices too :) ).
my new Tunze controller and GHL dosing pump


