Poidog's 70g Tech Tank Build

In the future sure. It'll take some time to hunt for another one, these don't come up every day. Just something about my tank it didn't like, or it was stressed before I even got it and moving to my tank put it over the edge... you never know.
Well It decided it didn't want to live anymore and melted away starting the day after I got it :( I hate it when the insanely hot rare ones melt.... why couldn't it have been an ugly brown one!

wait was this your announcement...
Poidog is going to sell a bunch of frags, donate the money to the US government, and pay for more South American strippers for the Secret Service? Well done sir!
Well It decided it didn't want to live anymore and melted away starting the day after I got it :( I hate it when the insanely hot rare ones melt.... why couldn't it have been an ugly brown one!

That really sucks! Are you going to try and find another one cause that was an extremely nice piece?