Bc it wouldn't have been in ur tank if it was ugly brown!.... I hate it when the insanely hot rare ones melt.... why couldn't it have been an ugly brown one!
Bc it wouldn't have been in ur tank if it was ugly brown!
very true... but I was thinking more like an ugly brown one elsewhere in some d-bags tank melted instead of the hot one in mine. lol
Well It decided it didn't want to live anymore and melted away starting the day after I got itI hate it when the insanely hot rare ones melt.... why couldn't it have been an ugly brown one!
wait was this your announcement...
Well It decided it didn't want to live anymore and melted away starting the day after I got itI hate it when the insanely hot rare ones melt.... why couldn't it have been an ugly brown one!
Who's ready for my big announcement???
Cool time to spend more money! Where is the workshop going to be located?