Active member
...you newbs so very much not know me....
Eric, you sound like Yoda...

Seriously, this thread is pretty awesome! I didn't think this would be a point of so much contention. Is it wrong for people who have contributed their opinions and knowledge of the hobby to be able to see what other senior members are up to? There should be a place that people can't ask noob questions like, "What salinity should I keep my reef at?" or "What can I do about diatoms?". Whenever I get to that point, it'll be well celebrated.
It'll be a while before I hit 1000, and even though I'm a supporter, I probably won't clutter that part of the forum (unless Dre drops kitty bombs; I'll comment). It's a privilege to have resources like CR and RC, so when they decide to reward active members who contribute, who are we to discourage it? I'm not as active here as I am on other sites, but I know one day I'll have as much knowledge as some of the senior members, and it's worth sharing.
Eric has been on here long enough to swing the big stick (haha, that's just a terrible joke), so he's entitled to voice his opinion, much like the rest of us. His voice is just heard louder (IMO) because he's a senior member. Why can't senior members have an escape from the rest of us? It's not like they're going to stop contributing...
I'll stop ranting...but I don't necessarily agree with letting supporting members with less than 1000 posts participate in the Hidden Reef either. It kind of takes away from the challenge. Ma $.02!