Shovelman is Awesome Build Thread

No yet :( at least not that I've seen. I fed her a clam earlier to let her know the commotion is over. Fingers crossed she gets in there!
picture or it didnt happen lol

I'm trying :( she isn't in there all the time, but she def goes in there throughout the day. I think she can hear me walking down the stairs because everytime I come down to check her out shes on the side of the tank just waiting for me to pull the blanket off. the DSLR is always down there ready for that chance to catch her while hanging out of the tube tho.
Oh, that's great news that she took to her new home!! I just hope she molts soon now!!! Feed her more, lol!

Such a beautiful creature... I'm really awed by the photos you have of her!
I'll be keeping a close eye on her for the next few days, hopefully everything went well with the molt. It looks pretty complete.