Man, that looks like one sweet setup Ted!
Thanks Wilson, sorry I missed you today when you were in the city. I'll be down in Munster again in a couple weeks, maybe one evening this week. I'll let you know as soon as I do.
Changed to the Giessman Actinic+ bulb in front today and absolutely love what it has done to the color in the tank. It used to be the same as the ATI Blue+ (even the same factory) but eventually DD came up with their own "phosphors" and allowed them to get a little more blue out of it without losing any of the spectrum that was there before. Probably a bulb that I will always want to run in conjunction with Blue+ in any T5 setup in the future. It also has ~200 more PAR than the ATI Actinic 03 that was in the front slot before, so hopefully the corals in front will be getting some even better light. I took measurements before I switched out the bulbs and was getting 300+ everywhere but the outside of the left rock and 500+ on the entire middle rock. Hopefully now I'll be getting that 300+ everywhere and closer to 600-700 on the upper portion of that middle rock.
Probably going to need to move the ATL Cherry Bomb to one of the side rocks since it is starting to get a little pale up on top. Here are some pics I took today after changing bulbs. You can REALLY see how much better coral looks under T5 in some of these comparison shots. I have said it over and over, SPS can look great under LED, but it will always look better under T5 or Halide
in my opinion:
UWW Rainbow Sunburst Monti from early on until now (4/8/14 - 6/4/14 - 8/16/14):
Cool plate from [MENTION=433]AACorals[/MENTION], still hoping the base keeps getting redder:
Red Milli from [MENTION=2509]rockhead[/MENTION] (this is the one I was talking about [MENTION=1277]jrpark22000[/MENTION]). Original on the left (4/7/14), new on the right (8/16/14), broke it in half at some point, but what really matters is that all new encrusting and growth is BRIGHT YELLOW lately!:
Yellow "Highlighter" Acro from [MENTION=433]AACorals[/MENTION]:
Garf Bonsai from @jrpark2200. First pic when I got it originally (4/8/14) under LED, second pic now (8/16/14) under T5. You can also see in this photo how much better the Orange Monti looks under T5:
Another cool Acro from [MENTION=433]AACorals[/MENTION]. This one has the potential to be incredible. It is starting to develop a little more blue in it now that I have moved it up in the tank. If it keeps going at this rate, it will have green skin, blue corallites, and red polyps:
This is by far my favorite piece in the hobby right now. Took FOREVER to convince our new CEO here to frag it for me, but it is the Rocky Mountain Frags Extreme Shortcake. Was at the base of his colony, but in only a week or 2 has colored up very nicely, hope it only keeps getting better!:
This is the JF Bugout Stylo that got be back into SPS in the first place. One of the pieces that is supposed to get much much better with age, and I can see why they say that. Hoping that the addition of the higher par/bluer bulb in front really brings out some more of the reds as this guy grows. Old on the left under LED (5/21/14), new on the right under T5 (8/16/14):
This is a cool candlelight-ish acro from [MENTION=9]AQUAPROS[/MENTION] that I picked up during the meet there. Starting to look pretty nice:
Here's the new "Peninsula View". Hopefully I'll be able to do away with the powerhead that is in the way when the rip-tide comes out: