Spartanman22's 80 DB

Well move in date is May 10th so planning on just over 2 months. I added some MB7 to give a bit of a bacterial kick start.

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Less than 1 month until move in day! I can finally start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Last weekend I glued all the plumbing. Since my new apartment will be only a couple miles from work I setup a qt in my office. I'm hoping to having something in it within the next week


I have also been cooking rock for the past 1.5-2 months and tested it today: ammonia 0.0 mg/L and nitrate 1.5 mg/L. The nice thing about having the Rock and a qt setup in the office is that I run a laboratory and have access to all kinds of instrumentation! I feel way more confident in these results than the standard Salifert type kits.

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hold on you glued the plumbing and u still have to move the tank into the new apartment? I'm confused I thought you had already moved in and just waiting for the rock to cure? When are we gonna see this thing wet, I've been waiting....:spy::spy::spy::spy:
Ya no it's still in my parents basement. I move in 3 weeks. There's plenty of unions so it'll disassemble easily for transport

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Got a message from AP today saying they had found a particular fish I had been after. Stopped in after work and was extremely excited with the individual they were able to source! Pictures to follow once I'm done acclimating. This will be the centerpiece of this tank and follows the angelfish theme...

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Looking good. Lol you and your angels. Im the same way but with tangs. Just dont have a tank big enough yet to expand the collection

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Lol does that mean when i catch my flame you want it haha. I love the fish but i hate its nipping. No polyp extension in the 93 because of it. Beautiful fish though

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I've never really been much of a flame fan. That's one of the few I don't really care too much for

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I'm not sure yet as it's still a Juvi. He's probably 2.5". He's just slightly bigger than my dwarf Golden which is about 2-2.25"

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We are now only 10 days away from the move in! So, I have pulled out my Dwarf Golden, Swallowtail, and Flame Hawk and started TTM. Once they've gone through I will start TTM for the clowns, Potters, and Leopard Wrasse.

I've had rock cooking for 2+ months and have a cultured ceramedia block. So, I'm hoping I can move the tank into the new apartment, insert the rock and marinepure block, and fill with water. I'm hoping this will prevent a cycle and allow me to move fish and coral over almost immediately.

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Tomorrow's finally move in day so I'll actually have some updates to post! Hoping to have the new system filled up with water by Wednesday.

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Well after a very long day I am nearly complete with the tank setup. I completed the electrical, got the light hung, and got the plumbing mostly squared away.

Tomorrow after work I am going to go back to the old apartment and get my RODI filter and start filling up the new tank. Hoping to have the rock in there by Saturday.

I have not been back to the old apartment since Tuesday morning so I'm really hoping all fish and coral are still doing well.

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Well couple other headaches, found out one of the vortech power supplies is bad but not too concerned about that since I have spare ones from my MP10s. And then half my T5's shut off. So now I have to take the glass shield off (which of course is no simple matter) and mess with the bulbs.

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