The journey begins - Elos 120 XL

Sorry guys that some of you can't see pictures, i link them directly from my flickr account. Maybe app you are using is not allowing flickr, i don't know. I use my phone but no tapatalk or any other app and see everything fine.
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Hey how have the multibars been doing now that they're in the display?

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Sorry for your experience with your fish, i follow your theread and was going to post , unfortunately for me i have the same outcome so far. Just yesterday i lost my second multibar, only the big one is left. Even in my display they don't eat or ever graze. Weirdly, just sit in one spot , not swimming. So they are wasting away. I just wonder if they were collected with cyanide, their behavior is really strange. Well, i knew what i was getting myself with those fish, but i didn't really expect this kind of experience. For now i will pass on more multibars .
Methyline blue is known to be a staple in QT for fish believed to be poisoned with cyanide.

I believe one of my potters wrasse was caught with cyanide it didnt make it past the 3rd week eating like a champ
Sorry guys that some of you can't see pictures, i link them directly from my flickr account. Maybe app you are using is not allowing flickr, i don't know. I use my phone but no tapatalk or any other app and see everything fine.

Just seeing the reports of problems in this thread now. Yes, tapatalk has it's own issues. All images are presented from your flickr account through the tapatalk servers, not the CR servers. tapatalk has broken and fixed several image hosting sites of the time since I've been dealing with them.

Sorry everybody. The only workaround is to view them from a webpage on your mobile device instead of using tapatalk.
Sorry for your experience with your fish, i follow your theread and was going to post , unfortunately for me i have the same outcome so far. Just yesterday i lost my second multibar, only the big one is left. Even in my display they don't eat or ever graze. Weirdly, just sit in one spot , not swimming. So they are wasting away. I just wonder if they were collected with cyanide, their behavior is really strange. Well, i knew what i was getting myself with those fish, but i didn't really expect this kind of experience. For now i will pass on more multibars .

Sorry to hear man, ya I've decided to stick with locally sourced Multibars. If I try again it'll be from Reefwise. I've gotten two in the past from them and both were eating really well.

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Reefwise is my favorite store for fish, i am getting ready to pull a trigger on Bandit angel , i would not buy that expensive fish from anybody else.
Now few more pictures, tank is still going strong. I made few changes to the system, mainly removed my refugium, it was not able to keep up with nutrients and mostly grew cyano and hair algae. My NO3 were registering 40 ppm, which is not bad considering how much I feed. Now I dose vodka and nitrates dropped to 20 ppm already and everything looks better. Also re did my siporax , it is now stacked nicely in eggcrate box, 10 liters. Still only few fish in , I have 3 chalk basslets, only one Fathead anthias left of trio and beautiful Sunset anthias male. Starting to seed my sponges for QT , as I am ready to add more fish soon.

[/url]FTS3 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url]FTS1 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url]FTS2 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
god I just absolutely love this tank! Its a whole new world!!! I was wondering:

1)with all that siporax, don't you think your water will be too clean for NPS tank (granted I know nothing about NPS tanks)?

2)If I were to one day have my hand at a NPS tank would it be ok to plumb into my mixed reef system? I dislike having more than one tank as its double the items needed and its double the work. Im just wondering if these types of corals need deviation from the typical chemistry found in my mixed reef i.e. salinity 1.026, alk 8, ca 450, mg 1400, nitrates 2-4?

keep it up man I can't imagine how awesome this thing must look in person!
god I just absolutely love this tank! Its a whole new world!!! I was wondering:

1)with all that siporax, don't you think your water will be too clean for NPS tank (granted I know nothing about NPS tanks)?

2)If I were to one day have my hand at a NPS tank would it be ok to plumb into my mixed reef system? I dislike having more than one tank as its double the items needed and its double the work. Im just wondering if these types of corals need deviation from the typical chemistry found in my mixed reef i.e. salinity 1.026, alk 8, ca 450, mg 1400, nitrates 2-4?

keep it up man I can't imagine how awesome this thing must look in person!

Thank you very much, to answer your questions
1. With all the amount of food that is going into this tank, and future home to about 20 Anthias I am not worry that water will be to " clean". As it is stands now I have to carbon dose to reduce nutrients in addition to siporax. Granted, i did not do water change for more than a month now.
2. It would be very easy to plumb it into your existing system, just like mixed reef corals, NPS have the same needs as far as water chemistry. It would be perfect to plumb small tank instead bigger one, as you wouldn't need as much food that can affect your mixed reef negatively and still maintain the desired food density in your small NPS tank. Yes, pictures don't do justice to this tank, seeing it in person is much better :), if you ever near Ohare airport feel free to contact me and you can see it yourself, i always enjoy meeting new people and talk reef :)
How often do you feed and does it have to be direct feeding? Would it be possible to slowly drip food into the tank throughout the day so I don't have to make any extra effort and spot feed constantly unless i want to. Im really thinking about plumbing in a 10 gallon cube NPS tank underneath my existing 120 mixed reef after seeing your tank develop. My water is nearly impossible to keep dirty lately so adding nutrients constantly might even be a good thing. What about temp? don't NPS prefer lower temps because most of them are found deep where water is cooler? Also 20 anthias?! omg what kind man that is going to be soooo awesome!
How often do you feed and does it have to be direct feeding? Would it be possible to slowly drip food into the tank throughout the day so I don't have to make any extra effort and spot feed constantly unless i want to. Im really thinking about plumbing in a 10 gallon cube NPS tank underneath my existing 120 mixed reef after seeing your tank develop. My water is nearly impossible to keep dirty lately so adding nutrients constantly might even be a good thing. What about temp? don't NPS prefer lower temps because most of them are found deep where water is cooler? Also 20 anthias?! omg what kind man that is going to be soooo awesome!
I feed every day, few times a day powder foods , mostly for gorgonians and filter feeders. Sun corals and dendros are target fed, as they like and need bigger foods like mysis, brine shrimp, etc., and they are fed every other day. With small tank like yours, you can drip food throughout a day, and do target feeding twice a week. Most suns will do fine with this regiment, but black sun corals need a lot more food. Also growth will be very slow, compared to mine that sprout new heads every few weeks. I keep mine water at 68-70F, mostly because I am ready to add some ventralis anthias, sunset anthias and possibly bandit angel, that require cooler temperatures. Most people keep those corals in regular reef tanks with normal 78-80F and they do well, as long as they get enough food.
Now few more pictures, tank is still going strong. I made few changes to the system, mainly removed my refugium, it was not able to keep up with nutrients and mostly grew cyano and hair algae. My NO3 were registering 40 ppm, which is not bad considering how much I feed. Now I dose vodka and nitrates dropped to 20 ppm already and everything looks better. Also re did my siporax , it is now stacked nicely in eggcrate box, 10 liters. Still only few fish in , I have 3 chalk basslets, only one Fathead anthias left of trio and beautiful Sunset anthias male. Starting to seed my sponges for QT , as I am ready to add more fish soon.

[/url]FTS3 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url]FTS1 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url]FTS2 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]

Sorry to hear, the only one I've had that ate really well was from Reefwise. Unfortunately I lost him due to a velvet outbreak. If I were to get another it'd be from Reefwise.

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