Cotton seams to wick better and have a better taste. BUT it's nearly impossible to clean and once it's burnt your screwed
Is it possible to use cotton in rebuildables or do you have to use mesh/wire/silica?
I have not had a problem with re wicking the cotton. I like as I can change out the cotton every night and it's like new.
Is it possible to use cotton in rebuildables or do you have to use mesh/wire/silica?
In a tank/genesis style you have to use mesh or cable. For dripping then you can use cotton. I used cotton in a kanger protank.
Steve... Switching out the cotton takes a minute. Pull out the old one dry fire the coil to clean and re wick.
Where do you get the cable from? Freecigs? cigs rock. Lol
Yeah Kevin will hook you up.
I'm also using ribbon wire as well. This build has lasted me 10 days and still going strong.
How long does a wick and coil usually last you?
what do you use for cotton? i was going to get cotton yarn, but i seen you can use cotton balls.
Also i ordered some pyrex nova's from ebay (i got 4 for 25 bucks) to vape that marsachino cherry. And may i say yuck, definitely too sweet, im going to have to cut it down with so pg.
Richard i see what you mean about the gurgling. my first tank was a mini nova 3.5ml tank and there was no gurgle.
I use organic cotton balls from whole foods. They are bleached with peroxide rather than bleach like the regular cotton balls. I also have used q-tips for there cotton when I first started.
I'm not sure why it gurgles since it a top coil. I'm really liking the rba genesis style with the cable wick. Still not sure in the ribbon wire yet.
What are the pros/cons to using ribbon wire over the regular?
Note: I know nothing about rebuildables lol!
Steve, you need to make it 5-6 time circle around the wick then may become more ohm...
When I did mine 5-6 then the ohm is 2.5 - 2.6. Can you buy the already built coil and see the ohm read?