Base of sps Turning white

I cut up the corals yesterday so well see what happens to the frags. This would explain why I've been having bad pe lately and browning out corals.
I could see the bad PE because of the red bugs... haven't seen them cause SPS to turn white though.

I think what we are seeing is the coral skeleton after the red bugs have feasted and eaten all the flesh. This is why people should QT corals if possible. My new tank was purchased for this reason. I've spent far too much money to just hope for the best. :pout:
IME red bugs don't directly consume the coral flesh, but the protective mucous of the coral. They also annoy the coral and prevent good PE. If there are enough of them, this can affect the coral to the point where it starts to go downhill. Your STN at the base was likely caused by an environmental factor like quick Alk changes. Also, last I read it was unknown if red bugs lay eggs or give live birth.

Good news is that they are easy to get rid of if you can get interceptor. Just leave out your crabs and shrimp for three weeks after treatment or they won't make it.
Just read your first post again. Could be the additional light you added. Raise fixture a few inches and feed the tank a lot to help corals recover if they are light shocked. I have T5s too and they can cook corals if you're not careful.
Don't think its the light. Seems like all acros are stning. Sucks cause majority of my sps are acros. What ever survives is staying. Anything that dies isn't getting replaced. This pissed me off loosing all them in a week. No more sps for me. Only sps i tried to save were my expensive ones. Might even switch back to the odyssea since i won't need high light if everything dies.
What pisses me off is first i had problems keeping zoas and sps were fine. Now zoas are fine and sps dieing. Maybe I'll go fowlr.
I love them, but SPS are the biggest PITA. I just spent $800+ on a calcium reactor setup to keep Ca/Alk stable because my dosers weren't keeping up. All for them colored sticks :(
You have to keep a close eye on all parameters, and even then sometimes they just go poof.

I'm not sure how much experience you have, but there's no shame in just doing LPS and softies for a while. They are a lot more forgiving than the **** sticks and will lower your frustration levels.
Don't give up young man...
You see me still laugh when all my sps gone. 3 things to check more often are Alk, Phosphate and Nitrate. Calcium may be one a while.
Like Bryan said SPS is biggest PITA but they are lot of fun to keep. No body keep SPS (may be some but I don't know them) successfully for the first time and I believe you are the first time, is it right?
Tell your girl friend buy SPS for you again when the water is stable.
What pisses me off is first i had problems keeping zoas and sps were fine. Now zoas are fine and sps dieing. Maybe I'll go fowlr.

Im pretty sure its the light all u corals looking good in my tank on the frag rack at about 260par . U shocked em more light too quick and with red bugs bothering em probably pushed em over the edge
I don't think the light. If too much light they are burned from the top not from the bottom. Alk, phosphate and nitrate are 3 things can kill SPS very fast.
Ive seen his tank not one once of algae he cant even get cheto to live and corals r also bleached so yes light is issue. Im my oppion but nobody cares stop rynning gfo get fresh cheato and let the fuge do its job . Turn down lights and c how u corals react they lookng great n my tank. Im just saying uve seen u tank most of these other guys havent not saying they wrong . But its like somebody calling u saying hey my car makes this noise wtf is it. Better to c in person right
Let see and talk until his water check with Hanna checker for PO4, ALK and with Lamotte Nitrate test kit. No algae doen't mean there is no phosphate and Nitrate.
There was a FS thread on hanna checkers recently...
I feel for you though cause the exact same thing is happening in my tank right now. I lost 8+ frags and a huge chalice colony. I dont know if its from red bugs but im sps is sure STNing. I think i am going to switch to a mixed reef for a while and make my way back to Mostly sps later. GOOD LUCK and hope everything works out.