BigBarnacle's big Nuvo 8 build.

Filtration upgrade. Getting rid of the cheap plastic media basket and sponges. Just got the inTank acrylic media basket, purigen, and chemipure elite.

Since switching to chemipure elite and purigen just a few days ago my water has become crystal clear and the corals are loving it.
I'm curious what purigen does chemically in a tank. I was at Reef City today and I saw some there for the first time. I read the packaging and it was interesting that it can be recharged by bleaching. I've heard of the stuff but have no experience what it really does or how well.
I dunno what it does either but all the nano guys use it. I'm running that and chemipure elite just because it seems to be the norm lol
Man this is making me want to setup my 12 gallon cube!

My office is about to move and I get moved from a cubicle to getting an office! WOOO HOO!

I know maintenance needs to be done much more often and I do travel for work. What's the longest I could go without doing a water change on a smaller tank.

Any pointers?
Before seeing this thread I thought bigger is always better but this might change my point of view :D