BigBarnacle's big Nuvo 8 build.

Since my last post I lost my clown goby :(. He just stopped eating and passed. The other two fish are still doing good. Haven't added any new corals since I have a few patches of algae I'm trying to get rid of. Otherwise, the zoas and frogspawn are growing like crazy. I'll get a new pic posted soon.
Since my last post I lost my clown goby :(. He just stopped eating and passed. The other two fish are still doing good. Haven't added any new corals since I have a few patches of algae I'm trying to get rid of. Otherwise, the zoas and frogspawn are growing like crazy. I'll get a new pic posted soon.

**** that sucks Brian. Sorry to hear about the goby. Glad everything else is doing well. Tanks looking pretty awesome!
clown gobys are hard to keep bro... I had mine now for 1 month longest I ever had one this is like my fifth one
Here's another update...
There's nothing but sand and a few snails in the nuvo. I PIF'd all the rock, zoas, rics, neon toadstool, and purple firefish to FrostyJay. I moved my ORA tiger goby to the 75. The stock filtration and lighting overkill resulted in an unstoppable algae bloom. Despite months of water changes, purigen, chemipure, Phosban and blasting of algae it still wouldn't go away. The two tiny fish in there required very minimal feedings and contributed little waste.
So, here's my plan. Vacuum out the sandbed, add a finnex mini canister filter, rescape with a better, more flow friendly design, and swap out the CC Par38 for a CC Par30. Word.
Sounds Like fun... Oh and most of the PIF stuff was already PIFd out again to another reefer in need of new tank inhabitants. LOL and so the circle continues. (kumbya)