Official Spring 2012 Paly Grow-Out Contest

Tank and equipment:Size: 24Gallon Current-USA Cardiff
Flow: Hydor Koralia 425 ghp
Filtration: Cardiff built-in skimmer 350 gph , Chaeto and rubble in back filter area, and 350 gph return pump
Lighting: Deep Blue 20" T5 HO with 18w 10K and 18w Actinic
Placement: Upper middle of tank inline with main flow, (Zone 1)
Coral Food: Azox, Pyhto 2

I sware It's not a tumor :roll: Just a couple of update pics

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Yea the last 3 polyps I have left all look like they are starting to spread over the glue and these are from the 2nd batch, I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing babies already!

Big contest update will be posted Sunday afternoon once the last few participants are confirmed and paid up. The winners of this one are all going to be VERY happy with the prizes!
My paly doesn't seem to open to its fullest. It's been high and low, can't seem to find its happy place.
My paly doesn't seem to open to its fullest. It's been high and low, can't seem to find its happy place.

I have the mother colony up high, just to the left of the fixture, not far from a mp40. I'd say higher flow, moderate/higher light and that colony is opened wide and happy like redline's pics of his polyp. The last 3 single polyps I have here are all down low in lower flow, only opening partially as well, but I can already tell the mat is growing on them. Just keep trying spots. I have a huge single polyp of grandis that I just can't find it's happy spot either.
Well I'm out, unless I can find it but:frusty: my a$$ hole angel decided he didn't like it all of a sudden, don't know if he ate it or just ripped it off the plug but I don't see it anywhere. Remind me not the enter anymore of these contests untill I get rid of that angel.:frusty:
Well I'm out, unless I can find it but:frusty: my a$$ hole angel decided he didn't like it all of a sudden, don't know if he ate it or just ripped it off the plug but I don't see it anywhere. Remind me not the enter anymore of these contests untill I get rid of that angel.:frusty:

I thought you already got rid of that mean old fish?
I wish nobody wanted him but I think its time to put him back up for sale seeing he is almost done changing into his adult colors.
Mario at aquatica will sell him on consignment. Obviously you won't make as much. Good luck finding it.

I would rather not do that with him again. Now as not to hijack the thread and get off topic I will be posting a for sale post on him soon.
Now back to the grow out.
Tank: NUVO 8
Flow: Stock and 240 koralia nano
Filtration: Aquaticlife internal mini skimmer 115, media rack with filter floss and chempure
Placement: On sand bed
Lighting: AI nano LED
Food: Brine shrimp and Cyclopreeze, and live ghost shrimp
Fish: Wartskin frogfish and Clingfish (and whatever surviving ghost shrimp thats in hiding)

Will post pictures later
Contest prizes updated! Winner will receive $120!!! In sponsor credit, and frag cave. 2nd place will receive $80!!! In sponsor credit, and a bottle of Amino Acids generously donated by Jon Warner of Warner Marine Research! Third place will receive $40!!! In sponsor credit!

Good luck to all participants! Looking forward to the 1 month updates!!!
Oops I thought I had done this already. I will add photo later.

Size: 30G frag tank
Flow: 2 koralia nanos
Filtration: Aquaclear 50 and water changes
Lighting: 4bulb t5
Placement:top middle of tank
Coral Food: whatever the fish are eating
Fish: Clown and yellow tail damsel
Picked up my polyp this weekend. Placed it at the bottom of my 12g with indirect low flow.
