mlreef 450 gallon mixed reef build

You can see some of the beneficial bacteria starting to eat some of the growth off of the acrylic. I'm hoping that the tank will officially end its cycle in another week or so.

Looks absolutely amazing Mike! I am soo jealous.

Thanks Mark! Don't be jealous have Gus hook you up with some awesome lights that he has.

Looks simply A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!

Thanks a million Gus! Your lights ROCK! I am so impressed by them and the coloration is exactly what I was looking for.
Well I am curious to see how the lights ended up looking? Never posted a pic with them installed.

Issac, This is what it looks like with the cabinet doors off.




HAHA this crazy, i just realized i bought my first bucket of live sand from you a long..long time back! i remember your camaro and the huge tank you had next to it, also the smaller tanks in the basement...thumbs up for your patience, i dont think many people can spread a build out this long lol
HAHA this crazy, i just realized i bought my first bucket of live sand from you a long..long time back! i remember your camaro and the huge tank you had next to it, also the smaller tanks in the basement...thumbs up for your patience, i dont think many people can spread a build out this long lol

I totally remember you now! How have you been? How is your tank coming along?
I've been meaning to upload some new tank pictures for a while so here they finally are.

The first couple pics are from when my friend Brett was in the tank arranging the rock scape.

The rest are post adding sand.

Word of advise always rinse your sand. I did not and I had a cloudy mess for a full week. It has since cleared up but it had me worried for a while.










Tank has cycled! Now it's time to fill her up!