Hi everyone. Well there have been some crazy things happening since my last update. I had lost 3 fish, the two helfrichis and Jose the blue spot jawfish.
Jose died of an entirely different cause that coincided with the helfrichis deaths. He died of a bacterial or fungal infection. He was too perfectly healthy one day and the following he showed signs of stress. On the second day he was really struggling and I pulled him out to hospital him. When I pulled him out he was bloated and his rear fin was rotted away (was in perfect condition 2 days ago). He died a few hours later in hospital with me by his side. He was a special fish, despite him being a complete idiot at times, so he will be missed.
This is the first time I've ever had fish die on me like this so it was a shock. I've lost a small goby to a power head once, and the other helfrichi that mysterious died of some sort of infection, but this was a first. I want to thank Midwest Coral Farms for being such an awesome store and helping their customers, they lent me all of the hospital tank equipment. I'm so glad we have such a great store and staff in our area.
On a lighter note, I got a NET module for my RKL from PA. I had to also order HUB module because I apparently 3 modules is on the verge from the PC4 not being able to power them all up. So the NET will randomly drop and my moonligths aren't was bright. Also, I'm getting errors from my iTemp and my pH probe. DA said that I need to boost power to my systems and the iTemp needs to be a dedicated plug and not daisy chained like before. If you ask me its poor design on DA side to sell more things to you. In hindsight I wish I had invested in an Apex instead of DA. PA is shipping a HUB out to me today (which doesn't some with a power adapter - another thing to buy), so I should have it all working tomorrow after a trip to radio shack. Below is a screenshot of my current tank params.
I also got a d-link day/night wifi webcam to position on the tank. Once it comes in I'll share the link so anyone can go to the URL and see my tank. The webcam along with the NET gives me peace of mind as a digital babysitter for the tank. I was worried out of my mind being gone for 2 days over Christmas that everything would be okay with the tank. Now, all I need to do is log into the NET and see my params, and log into the webcam to get a visual