curious though..
i only see the water overflowing thru the sponge and being pussed back by the pump
but what about the debris ? how is the debris thats not floating gonna get filtered ?
how does it get filtered in your tank? adequate flow and CUC right?
curious though..
i only see the water overflowing thru the sponge and being pussed back by the pump
but what about the debris ? how is the debris thats not floating gonna get filtered ?
Hey Tinman
Good question. I probably should of taken pictures of how I built the filter. Here it is in a nut shell.
Starting from the top working down towards the return pump I have three different layers of sponge. Pre filter, carbon and an ammonia removing media in a fine mesh bag.
Nate also has answered half of the question too. I am planning on removing half a gallon of water or less depending on feeding every other day. I also rigged up a small rigid tube vacuum to clean the glass bottom.
I also rigged up a small rigid tube vacuum to clean the glass bottom.